Hello I'm about to create a school management system where it should assure the relashionship between teachers, classes,periods, days, sections a single teacher can teach different subject in different class same subject can be taught by different teacher in different classes,etc ...Some good ideas on the DB structure and the system will be appreciated. link for demo

hi folks: I am creating a School Management Database. Back in the day I worked at a (small) private tuition funded school, we were fortunate that we had some state money available so we were able to buy a School management database system -- we started with WinSchool, and then shifted to SchoolMinder. However many of the schools in our association were not state chartered for religious reasons, and therefore did not have access to the funding that we did and as such, could not afford a school management database system. I am trying to create a functional system that will be free or very low cost to schools. Back in the day, I learned to make databases using MySQL and Macromedia / Adobe Dreamweaver. Worked great let me drag and drop in pieces that I needed -- database connections, forms, text boxes, combo boxes, tables for output etc etc etc. Problem is now I dont have access to dreamweaver any more and its DANG expensive (at least for me) so I'm looking for solutions.

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Someone mentioned that Drupal could be used to easily create a web frontend for a MySQL database. Is this possible? what modules do I need? will it work? can someone point me to the proper information, I am a bit inundated by the flood of info about drupal online!

IMHO, Drupal may not be the ideal platform for school administration. I am not aware of any out-of-the-box solution. While there are extensions with promising names, such as School Management, there are no releases and development seems stalled. There is also School Administration, but it has not been updated beyond Drupal 7 and looks abandoned. You may want to explore the Opigno LMS distribution. It provides a comprehensive framework for learning management, but I don't think this is the same as a framework for school administration. There are several other school-oriented distributions that you can find by searching, but they all look like they're no longer maintained.

To some extent, it depends on exactlywhat features you want the resulting school management system to have. But in my experience, people require resource management (i.e. classrooms, labs, equipment) and time table management to be availabe in a school administration system. AFAIK, neither the core or any part of contrib provide you with a good solution for this. There exists some extensions (e.g. BAT) that claim to help you with this, but IMHO, they are all poorly maintained, underdocumented and insanely hard to use. BAT is probably the best of the lot, and I have had little sucecess with it (YMMV).

Frankly, little about Drupal is "easy". If you just want an online database for, say, school rooms, then you could create a new type of content named SchoolRoom (admin/structure/types, click 'Add content type'), add relevant fields to it (like a field to hold the number of chairs, etc). Then, go to admin/structure/views and create a view to show the rooms in a table. The interface will be daunting at first, but just look at some of the other views to see what you have to do.

I'm creating a website which schools can signup and manage their students' information and data. I want every school to have his own collection of data in the database. The structure of the database which I want to create is like:

A general rule of thumb while modeling data in MongoDB is that things that are queried together should stay together. Thus, it may be beneficial to work from the required queries first, making it as simple as possible, and then let the schema design follow the query pattern.

Reading from your description, I think that you can create a data model where the database name is the name of the school and then this database has different collections like- students, teachers, administrative staff, etc and within these collections, you add the details of the corresponding entity:

The approach you described seems a bit tricky to me. One suggestion I would give is to name your collections starting with the name of the school and then the entity that you want to include in that collection, ie.:

You can also do this by creating a students and teachers etc collection, then in the documents, specify the school name, ie. keep a field named School in the documents itself. This way, your student document might look like this:

As you can see, there are many approaches that you can use while designing your model. I would suggest you explore all the alternatives before deciding there has to be only one database or limit your other options.

A general rule of thumb while modeling data in MongoDB is that things that are queried together should stay together. Thus, it may be beneficial to work from the required queries first, making it as simple as possible, and let the schema design follow the query pattern. You can use mgeneratejs to create sample documents quickly in any number, so the design can be tested easily.

This is our third school year using FACTS Tuition Management and FACTS SIS. The total integration of those two products has been a real time saver. Advanced Accounting, Online Application, Online Enrollment, and Grant & Aid Assessment have also been huge improvements for us. Our teachers love the classroom management and communication functions in FACTS SIS, and the grade book and attendance functions could not be easier to use. Finally, the customer service team for FACTS are the best in the business. Nineteen times out of twenty, I reach our dedicated rep on the first ring. This is a team that is dedicated to providing the most comprehensive and innovative school management solutions. Keep up the great work!

School Management system will help You to manage daily school activities like Student registration , Subject Assign Teachers with Subject , Teachers management , Student Grads, Student Exam , leave management system. we have Design Demo Database For complete School management ERP. You can Download Complete PDF

SchoolCues is the market leading provider of online school administrative software solutions for small schools. It is an all-in-one schools information management system which streamlines school administration, parental engagement and school communications along with online payments for tuition, admissions and enrollment. This low-cost system offers everything a small school would need to communicate, manage student information and engage parents. This integrated school administration and management software allows parents to engage with their schools on the web, via email and a mobile app.

For more information on how to integrate this intelligent online school administrative software and increase parental engagement in your school in the mobile age, visit the SchoolCues website at www.schoolcues.com.

Student Database Management System is developed to manage the records of the students such as student Profile, Enrolment, Dropouts, Transfers, Progression / Holdback etc. This helps in generating reports at Central, State, district, block, and school level.

This system covers student information of school education including Various Boards, School Management, Autonomous Bodies, Vocational and open school students etc. The Student Database Management System is deployed in federated manner for various States, Autonomous bodies, School Management as a separate instance as their need. This management system comprises information of the student from States / Autonomous Bodies (Federated Entities) and converges it for various schools consistently at national level. It also provides the required information to Unified District Information for Education plus (UDISE+).

SchoolTool is a suite of free administrative software for schools. Since it can be installed easily and used with no licensing fees, SchoolTool can be used by schools for a single purpose, by individual teachers or small teams within schools, or as a whole-school comprehensive student information system, encompassing demographics, gradebooks, attendance, calendars and reporting.

Database Administrators Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for database professionals who wish to improve their database skills and learn from others in the community. It only takes a minute to sign up.

Im working on a simple school system which handles student registration and schedule. Furthermore, the system should handle different type of schools Such as Kindergarten, Primary, Secondary, and High (Pre-school and k12)..

With that said, if you're still determined to take this on, you should read at least 3 different articles on database normalization before you even BEGIN to put pencil to paper concerning table designs. Then sketch it out the first time. Then re-read the best article you found and compare your design to the principles of normalization and make your first round of adjustments taking normalization into account. Then repeat the process again.

The motivation is that I like to learn more about ER and database to be able to create useful Django projects, I work in a private school ( KG-12 ). I am learning about web development, but for the backend I need to understand database to be able to create useful website/webapp. And the school is using google sheets and excel to do what is needed. I am in Iraq. I am IT at this school.

Thanks for your explanation. I am IT at this private (KG-12) school and I know about the details that it is needed. It is a private school per academic year they have 3 terms. KG1, KG2, Grade-01, Grade-02, ..., Grade-12 & section A and B for each Grade-level. 


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