
Refereed Publications

(* denote names of advised students)

Tropical Cyclones

Patel*, M., S. Chiao, and Q. Tan., 2021: An Observational Study of Aerosols and Tropical Cyclones over the Eastern Atlantic Ocean Basin for Recent Hurricane Seasons, Atmosphere 12, no. 8: 1036.

Green*, A., S. Gopalakrishnan, G. Alaka, S. Chiao, 2021: Understanding the Role of Mean and Eddy Momentum Transport in the Rapid Intensification of Hurricane Irma (2017) and Hurricane Michael (2018), Atmosphere,

Jury, M. and S. Chiao, R. Cécé, 2019: The intensification of hurricane Maria 2017 in the Antilles, Atmosphere, 10, 590. doi:/10.3390/atmos10100590

Rosado*, K., and S. Chiao, 2018: Assimilation of GPS Radio Occultation data for Tropical Cyclogenesis: A Case Study in the Eastern Atlantic, The Open Atmospheric Science Journal, 12, 33-47, DOI: 10.2174/1874282301812010033.

Jenkins, G., E. A. Brito, E. F. Soares, S. Chiao and co-authors, 2017: Hurricane Fred: Cape Verde's First Hurricane in Modern Times, preparation, observations, impacts and lessons learned, Bulletin of American Meteorological Society, DOI:

Chiao, S., and M. Jury, 2016: Southern Caribbean Hurricane Regional Observations and WRF Model Simulations, International Journal of Marine Science, doi:10.5376/ijms.2016.06.0039.

Folmer, M., R. Pasken, S. Chiao, J. Dunion, and J. Halverson, 2016: The Effect of GPS Dropwindsondes from the NAMMA 2006 Field Campaign on the Simulations of Hurricane Helene, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, DOI 10.1007/s00703-016-0452-2.

Chih* C.-H., K-H. Chou, and S. Chiao, 2015: The influence of Tropical cyclone structure on eyewall evolution simulation of Typhoon Sinlaku (2008) crossing Taiwan. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci. DOI: 10.3319/TAO.2015.05.08.01(A).

Centeno*, D., and S. Chiao, 2015: The Footprints of Saharan Air Layer and Lightning on the Formation of Tropical Depressions over the Eastern Atlantic Ocean, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 127, 17-32.

Pelissero*, J., and S. Chiao, 2013: The Impacts of Extratropical Reintensification on North Atlantic Shipping Routes, Met. Apps. doi: 10.1002/met.1410.

Takeuchi*, A., and S. Chiao, 2013: Comparative Case Studies of Tropical Cyclones and Phytoplankton Blooms over Atlantic and Pacific Regions, Earth Interactions, 17, 1-19. doi: 10.1175/2013EI000517.1

Tompkins*, C., and S. Chiao, 2012: Modeling studies of impacts from the Guinea Highlands in relation to tropical cyclogenesis along the West African coast, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 115, 51-72.

Chiao, S., and G. Jenkins, 2010: Numerical investigations on the formation of tropical storm Debby during NAMMA-06. Wea and Forecasting, 25, 866-884.

Chiao, S. and Y.-L. Lin, 2003: Numerical modeling of an orographically induced precipitation event associated with tropical storm Rachel over Taiwan. Wea. and Forecasting, 18, 325-344.

Chiao, S., C.-Y. Huang and Y.- H. Kuo, 1996: MM5 numerical simulation of Typhoon Dot (1990). Atmospheric Sciences, 24, 123-144. (In Chinese with English abstract)

Upper air ozone and Air Quality

Gore*, C., and S. Chiao, 2020: Comparisons of Upper Air Ozone at a Coastal and Urban Site and the Impact of Local Surface Urban Emissions, Atmospheric Environment,

Faloona, I.C., S. Chiao, and co-authors, 2020: The California Baseline Ozone Transport Study (CABOTS). Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.,

Clark*, J., and S. Chiao, 2019: Stratospheric Intrusions in relation to Surface Ozone over Northern California during CABOTS, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology,

Jung, C.H., Y.J. Yoon, J. Um, S.S. Lee, J.Y. Lee, S. Chiao, and Y. P. Kim, 2019: Approximation of most penetrating particle size for fibrous filters considering Cunningham slip correction factor. Environmental Eng. Res.,

Atmospheric Rivers and Orographic Precipitation

Liner*, S., J. Ryoo, and S. Chiao, 2022: On the relationship of arctic oscillation with atmospheric rivers and snowpack in the western United States using long-term multi-platform dataset, Water, 14(15), 2392.

Zechiel*, P.R., and S. Chiao, 2021: Climate Variability of Atmospheric Rivers and Droughts over the West Coast of the United States from 2006 to 2019. Atmosphere, 12, 201.

Ryoo, J., S. Chiao, J.R. Spackman, L.T. Iraci, F.M. Ralph, A. Martin, R.M. Dole, J.E. Marrero, E.L. Yates, T.P. Bui, J.M. Dean-Day, and C.S. Chang, 2020: Terrain Trapped Airflows and Precipitation Variability during an Atmospheric River Event. J. Hydrometeor., 21, 355–375,

Bridger, A, D. Nguyen, and S. Chiao, 2019: Developing Spatially Accurate Rainfall Predictions for the San Francisco Bay Area through Case Studies of Atmospheric River and other Synoptic Events. Atmosphere, 10, 541, doi:10.3390/atmos10090541

Liu*, C., S. Chiao, and J. Ryoo, 2019: Asian Long-Range Transport in Relation to Atmospheric Rivers in Northern California,

Behringer*, D. and S. Chiao, 2019: Numerical Investigations of Atmospheric Rivers and the Rain Shadow over the Santa Clara Valley, Atmosphere, 10, 114;

Li, J., Y. Chen, H. Wang, J. Qin, J. Li, and S. Chiao, 2017: Extending flood forecasting lead time in a large watershed by coupling WRF QPF with a distributed hydrological model, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 1279-1294, DOI:10.5194/hess-21-1279-2017

Eiserloh*, A. J, and S. Chiao, 2015: Modeling studies of landfalling atmospheric rivers and orographic precipitation over northern California, Meteor. and Atmos. Phy, 127, 1-16.

Richard, E., A. Buzzi, G. Zangl, N. Asencio, R. Benoit, S. Chiao and co-others, 2005: Quantitative precipitation forecasting in mountains regions - Pushed ahead by MAP. Croatian Meteorological Journal, 40, 65 – 69.

Lin, Y.-L., S.-Y. Chen, and S. Chiao, 2005: Synoptic and mesoscale environments associated with

MAP IOP-8 and the formation mechanisms of orographic rain. Mon. Wea. Rev., 133, 2227-2245.

Chiao, S., Y.-L. Lin, and M. L. Kaplan, 2004: Numerical study of the orographic forcing of heavy precipitation during MAP IOP-2B. Mon. Wea. Rev., 132, 2184-2203.

Chiao, S., 2003: The dynamics of orographic precipitation: A mesoscale modeling perspective. Ph.D. dissertation, North Carolina State University, 211 pp.

Lin, Y.-L., D. B. Ensley, S. Chiao, and C.-Y. Huang, 2002: Orographic influence on rainfall and track deflection associated with the passage of a tropical cyclone. Mon. Wea. Rev., 130, 2929-2950.

Lin, Y.-L., S. Chiao, T.-A. Wang, M. L. Kaplan, 2001: Some common ingredients for orographic flooding and heavy rainfall. Wea. and Forecasting. 15, 633-660.

Lin, Y.-L., J. A. Thurman and S. Chiao, 2001: Influence of synoptic and mesoscale environments on heavy orographic rainfall associated with MAP IOP-2B and IOP-8. MAP newsletter, 15, 242-245.

Lin, Y.-L., S. Chiao, J. A. Thurman, M. L. Kaplan and T.-A. Wang, 2001: Essential ingredients for heavy orographic rainfall and their potential application for orographic rainfall prediction.

MAP newsletter, 15, 72-75.

Urban heat island and Atmospheric Boundary Layer

Mainhart*, M. R. Pasken, S. Chiao and M. Roark, 2020: Surface Mesovortices in relation to Urban Heat Island Effect in the Saint Louis Metropolitan Area, Urban Climate,

Yasuhara* S., J. Forgeron*, C. Rella, P. Franz, G. Jacobson, and S. Chiao, 2013: Measurements of Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and Other Related Tracers at High Spatial and Temporal Resolution in an Urban Environment. Geophysical Research Abstracts. 15, EGU2013-13200-2.

Jury, M., and S. Chiao, 2013: Leeside boundary layer confluence and afternoon thunderstorms over Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 52, 429-454.

Pattantyus*, A., and S. Chiao, 2010: Numerical studies of convective and stable boundary layer evolution in mountainous regions. Proceedings of the International Symposium for the Advancement of Boundary Layer Remote Sensing (ISARS), Paris, France, June 28-30, 2010.

Chiao, S., 2006: Performance of planetary boundary layer schemes in the WRF model. Proceedings of the 25th Army Science Conference, Orlando, FL November 2006, 8 p.

Big Data Applications

Gaganjot*, K., J. Gao, S. Chiao, S. Lu and G. Xie, 2018: Air Quality Prediction: Big data and Machine Learning Approaches, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 8-16, 2018, DOI: 10.18178/ijesd.2018.9.1.1066

Zhang P., J. Gao, A. G. Thomas, K. P. Alagupackiam, K Mannava, P. Bosco*, S. Chiao, 2017: On Building a Big Data Analysis System for California Drought, 2017 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Applications, San Francisco, CA, 2017, pp. 149-156. DOI: 10.1109/BigDataService.2017.23

Wildland Fires

Malik*, A.; Rao, M.R.; Puppala, N.; Koouri, P.; Thota, V.A.K.; Liu, Q.; Chiao, S.; Gao, J. Data-Driven Wildfire Risk Prediction in Northern California. Atmosphere 2021, 12, 109.

Carpenter*, D. D. and S. Chiao, 2010: Modeling study of 2006 Central Florida wildfires using Fire

Area Simulator. Florida Scientist, 73, 103-119.

Regional Climate

Gao, J, A. Deo, and S. Chiao, 2021: Soil Evaluation Research for Salton Sea-A Survey of Available Salton Sea Soil and Sediment Evaluation Research Literature. J Agric Forest Meteorol Res, 4(1): 447-458.

Jury, M. and S. Chiao, 2011: Meso-Climate of the Central Antilles. Earth Interactions, 15, 1-19. doi: 10.1175/2011EI391.1.

Barros, A. P., S. Chiao, T. Lang, J. Putkonen, and D. Burbank, 2006: From weather to climate-- Seasonal to interannual variability of storms in the Himalayas. Tectonics, Climate and Landscape Evolution, GSA special paper 398, 17-38. doi:10.1130/2006.2398(02).

Chiao, S. and A. P. Barros, 2007: A numerical study of the hydrometeorological drylines in Northwest India during the monsoon. J. of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 85, 337-361.

Mesoscale Nexuses

Lee, S., C. Jung, Y. Choi, S. Chiao, J. Um and W. Choi, 2019: Comparisons of simulations of updraft mass fluxes and their response to increasing aerosol concentration between a bin scheme and a bulk scheme in a deep-convective cloud system, Advances in Meteorology,

Chiao, S., and R. Dumais, 2013: Investigations of a down-valley flow event during T-REX 2006, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 122, 75-90. doi: 10.1007/s00703-013-0279-z.

Jury, M., and S. Chiao, 2014: Representation of Ethiopian wet spells in global and nested models, Advances in Meteorology, vol. 2014, Article ID 237374, doi:10.1155/2014/237374

Whitehall*, K., S. Chiao, M. Mayers-Als, 2013: Numerical Investigations of Convective Initiation in Barbados, Advances in Meteorology, vol. 2013, doi:10.1155/2013/630263.

Pattantyus*, A., S. Chiao, and S. Czyzyk, 2011: Improving high-resolution model forecasts of downslope winds in the Las Vegas Valley. J. Applied Meteorology and Clim., 50, 1324-1340.

Weldegaber*, M., B. Demoz, L. Sparling, and S. Chiao, 2011: Observational analysis of moisture evolution and variability in the boundary layer during the dryline on 22 May 2002 (IHOP 2002), Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 110, 87-102.

Pattantyus*, A., S. Chiao, and S. Czyzyk, 2010: Numerical model forecasting of downslope winds in the Las Vegas Valley. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, Chapel Hill, NC, May 23-27, 2010.

Jury, M., S. Chiao, and E. W. Harmsen, 2009: Mesoscale structure of trade wind convection over Puerto Rico: Composite observations and numerical simulation. Boundary Layer Meteorology. 132, 289-313