
Ka. Anastasia Tsiantou

My name is Anastasia Tsiantou, I am a Greek Language teacher, and the Director of Curriculum of our school. I was born and raised in Greece, in Volos. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Primary Education and I have been a teacher in the Greek public schools for 10 years, and 6 years in the Greek Schools in Chicago.

I love children and I try to do my best to make the Greek School a rewarding and fun experience for all. I always try to create a supportive learning environment in my class. I want my students to be happy and excited when they walk into the classroom.

I am excited to have recently joined the Greek community in Wisconsin and I am passionate about making our Greek School a welcoming place for everyone wishing to learn Greek.

Feel free to contact me: anastassia6@gmail.com

Ka. Eleni Tourloukis

I would like to welcome everyone to the Greek School program. My name is Eleni Tourloukis (Kyria Eleni). I will be your child’s teacher this year for Level 1A.

I was born in the United States and raised in Greece; I attended school both in the States and Greece. I returned to the States to further my Education and graduated from Hunter College in New York.

I am very happy and excited this year to teach our little ones the Greek language and our customs in a very interactive environment.

With this in mind they will have fun and learn the Greek language.

I am very privileged to be your child’s teacher this year and looking forward to start this school year in full force. You may contact me by an email if you have any questions.

Email: htourloukis@gmail.com

Ka. Vasiliki Tsiantou

Γεια σας!

I am Vasiliki Tsiantou!

I was born in the beautiful city of Volos in Greece. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Ancient & Modern Greek Language and a PG Diploma in Teaching Greek as a Second/Foreign Language. I have a passion for Greek Language and a passion for teaching. Let’s start our journey in Greek together!