Why SCH Energy Systems Eng.?

Our department is at the heart of the energy materials revolution. Advances in energy materials and devices have preceded almost every major technological leap since the beginning of civilization.

Features of the Undergraduate and graduate Program

We offer a high quality of engineering program that covers wide range of energy related materials and devices.

Unique aspects of our program include:

  • Active student professional organizations
  • Small class size
  • Hands-on, team-based learning
  • Undergraduate research projects for renewable energy systems
  • A combined BS-MS program for well-qualified undergraduate students

A focus on nanotechnology drives many of our current research efforts and we are a core partner in several collaborative research centers.

Examples of our current research include:

  • Developing organic and inorganic materials for solar energy
  • Ceramics for batteries and fuel cells
  • Eco-materials for green technologies
  • Polymers, small molecules, and semiconductors for electronics
  • Hybrid perovskite materials for information storage/processing and energy conversion
  • Polymers for telecommunications

Preparing our students for the wide variety of jobs that await them is our highest priority. SCH Energy Systems Engineering students develop new materials, process methods, equipment, and material uses. Subjects include solar cells, Energy storage devices, Fuel cells, Carbon Capture devices, Atomic Energy and so on. Students also study electronic, optical and magnetic materials; materials characterization, chemistry, modelling; metals & alloys; and polymers. Our graduates find employment in the renewable energy, Energy storage systems for automotive, chemical engineering, biofuel production, energy related construction, electronics and telecommunication industries. We are proud to lay the foundations for successful careers in many sectors of the economy, from academia to industry.