Collect your DFS Scholarship

Students are awarded scholarships on Awards Night. Some of those are considered DFS scholarships and others are scholarships given by private families or organizations. These instructions are only for those scholarships that are given through the SCF DFS program. 

To know if you received a SCF DFS scholarship see this list. If your scholarship is not on this list, you need to contact the sponsor directly to follow their instructions to collect the money.

How to get your Scholarship $

Awards Night Handout

This document outlines what to do immediately after receiving a scholarship and what to do after your first semester of college. 

The DFS Committee only holds the money for 2 years. If you do not collect your money within 2 years, your money will be reallocated to new scholarships. 

Awards Night 2024

Access this google drive folder to see all the pictures!

When do I get my money?

Scholarship money is awarded after the first semester of college. 

What do I need to do to get my money?

You must accept the scholarships in the DFS system. This is due June 1st. 

Then after your first semester, you need to submit: 

1. Send electronic copy of 1st semester transcripts

2. Send electronic copy of 2nd semester registration

3. Provide your school ID number

4. Provide address of the School Business Office of your college that will be receiving the scholarship money

You can send this information to Janita Nwachukwu at:

Where does the money go?

The checks will be sent directly to the colleges/universities. 

How do I collect an alumni scholarship?

Alumni who are selected for a scholarship will receive an email in July notifying them of their award. The DFS Committee will directly send the award to the college or university according to information provided on the alumni application.