Statements of Support for Intellectual Freedom

Statements on Censorship

National Council of Teachers of English - Freedom to Teach Statement

National Coalition Against Censorship - Statement on the Attack on Books in Schools

South Carolina Association of School Librarians

South Carolina Library Association

American Library Association Executive Board (and division boards), United for Libraries

Virginia Association of School Librarians

Utah Educational Library Media Association

Children’s Right to Read statements (International Literacy Association)

Freedom to Read Statement (American Library Association)

Statement on Censorship of Information Addressing Racial Injustice, Black American History, and Diversity Education (American Library Association)

Statement from SCforED - "SC for Ed supports age-appropriate literature that provides LGBTQ+ representation, particularly as we know this is one of our most vulnerable school-aged populations. It should be up to school librarians and classroom teachers to work with the community to decide what literature that should be. Further, any criteria designed for selection of a book should be evenly applied to all books. ... the focus should be on supporting all students in our school systems."