The unidentified man in the cover picture of the song holds his arm out straightened, with the hand open and palm down. This gesture is very similar to the Nazi salute, a gesture that was used as a greeting in Nazi Germany. Nazi Germany was under the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler, one of the deadliest dictators in history.

The song "Dictator" by Daron Malakian and Scars On Broadway explores themes of resistance, independence, and a rejection of oppressive political systems. The lyrics convey a strong sense of personal agency and a refusal to be controlled or manipulated by dictators, invaders, or crusaders.

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In the chorus, the singer proclaims, "Oh, I don't need a dictator to control me, Oh, I don't need an invader to destroy me," expressing a sense of self-reliance and a determination to resist outside forces that seek power and control. This may be a metaphorical reference to not needing someone in a position of authority or influence to dominate their thoughts, opinions, or actions.

The main road from Blackland crossed here. As itreached the Suez side it made a strong angle under thetown's leafy bluffs and their two or three clamberingby-streets, and ran down the rocky margin of the stream tothe new railway station and the old steamboat landinghalf a mile below. The bridge was entirely of rugged graylimestone, and spanned the river's channel and willow-coveredsand-bars in seven high, rude arches. OneChristmas dawn during the war a retreating enemy,making ready to blow up the structure, were a moment tooslow, and except for the scars of a few timely shellsdropped into their rear guard, it had come through thoseyears unscathed. For, just below it, and preferable to itmost of the year, was a broad gravelly ford. Beyond thebridge, on the Blackland side, the road curved out of viewbetween woods on the right and meadows on the left. Ashort way up the river the waters came dimpling, greenand blue in August, but yellow and swirling now, aroundthe long, bare foot of a wooded island, that lay foreverasleep in midstream, overrun and built upon by thewinged Liliputians of the shores and fields. 17dc91bb1f

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