A Zero Waste Map

Were to go ? Important places

The Map

Food and drinks places

Fruits for pick up

Places to clean up

The Initiatives: What's on the map?

Wexford reduces waste

Reducing waste is about reducing the amount of take away containers and bringing your own container can help tons.

For more information about Canada reduces click here.

You a business owner interested in offering a low waste option to your customers?

Please, email us or contact us on social media! We would would love to add you on the map!

You live in Scarborough and and you have a good relationship with a friendly restaurant owner? 

Email us so we can work to together to have more restaurants accepting reusable containers in Scarborough :-)

Moving towards a lower waste lifestyle is not easy and needs to be somewhat convinient. Swapping form one item to another is easier when it is available in our neighbourhood. 

The idea behind the Toronto zero waste map is to bridge the gap between the traditional swapping list we generally find online and the actual locations where one can find the items he or she needs to move towards a more low waste lifestyle (please access our swapping library here). Hopefully, not too far from they beloved home. The goal is to find the soft spot between convenience and meaningful drive. This friction is where change happens.