Nibiru, or planet X, as some call it, is approaching the earth. According to some scientists, on May 23, 2019 at 00:00, this planet will collapse on Earth causing the end of our planet.

These scientists base their hypothesis on mythological theories. According to them, Nibiru has a size of approximately 50 football fields, and began to move from its orbit about 30 years ago, due to the climate change caused by humans on Earth about the waste of natural resources.

NASA needs help, a group of the best scientists in the world is looking for ways to get the planet back to its orbit and avoid collapse.

You have to get the code that will allow you to redirect the course of the NIBIRU and save our planet. In order to achieve this code you have to solve 4 clues and solve the 4 challenges set. Each challenge achieved will bring you to the secret code...

Start countdown. You have 40 '...