
After touching any thumbnail word description picture appears.

As soon as scanword is filled press the button at the right bottom corner of the screen. The correct words are highlighted in blue while the errors are highlighted in red. You can correct errors and press the button again to check if your input is correct. Given that there are no empty spaces in crossword and there is at least one correct answer the time spent per correct answer is put into Google Play Games powered leader board.

≡ menu at left top corner allows to start new game, check correctness of input, save game, load game, select scanword size, select language of scanword, select hardness of scanword, either turn on or turn off sound, and either turn on or turn off hint.

⁝ menu at the right top of the screen allows to start the new game, check correctness of input, select size of scanword, select language of scanword, and select difficulty of scanword.