Emily Scallan Senior exhibition


Being a designer for me means discovering and exploring what solutions go best with any problem. My entire life I have always expressed myself through art, whether it involved dancing or simply sketching. In my life I never truly knew what I was supposed to do. Design has given me the creative freedom to express without many restrictions. The uncertainty can be daunting, but there is a harmony to all the chaos. When I look at my past work, I see the journey filled with memories and hard work leading up to endless deadlines. I have always enjoyed the process of expressing myself far more than just completing assignments. Therefore, I can say that my love for design comes more from the action instead than the results.

My philosophy is to always be sincere and authentic with what you put into your work. I find myself investing a lot of thought into my work in the hopes of reaching something I can be proud of. I find the inspiration for my work through the people and events I encounter in my life. Past or present, the experiences that I have lived through thoroughly shape my perspectives and how I choose to live. If I can show that through my art, I would consider that piece to be a success.



Adoption Poster

Adoption poster

Adoption Poster


I created and designed a magazine surrounding the process of adoption personally or those who have been affected by it in their own life.

My intentions for this magazine was to bring awareness to those who ever had an interest in adoption or the process going into growing a family. I wanted to offer real testimonials from those who have been adopted or have the experience so the reader can have an authentic insight to really know what adoption can be like.

Thanks for visiting

-Emily Scallan