These savory matzah pies are known by a variety of names, depending on the community in which it is being prepared. In Spain and Turkey they are known as mina, Algerians call them mguena, while in Egypt they are known as either maiena or mayena, and as the title to this post suggests the Italian Jewish community calls them scacchi. These matzah pies are modeled after the savory pies that are so central to Sephardic cuisine, and particularly resemble the pastel. Traditionally, these pies have been served as an appetizer or side dish on Shabbat as well as on other holidays. Wanting to be able to continue to serve pastel during Passover, matzahs that have been moistened with water or broth were substituted for the customary pastry. Meat filled matzah pie has become a mainstay at Sephardic seders and are generally served following the soup and the fish dishes, before the main course. Vegetable or dairy versions can be found at the desayuno (brunch) on Passover morning, at which it is served with huevos haminados (long-cooked eggs) and lemon wedges.

Lo United States Open Chess Championship, noto comunemente come U.S. Open,  un campionato di scacchi open (aperto a tutti, anche agli stranieri) che si svolge annualmente negli Stati Uniti a partire dal 1900. Il campionato nazionale degli USA  invece il Campionato statunitense di scacchi (closed U.S. Championship), riservato ai giocatori statunitensi e al quale si accede solo tramite inviti.

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