In 2018, the Government of India notified guidelines for evaluation and procedure for certification of disabilities under the RPWD Act 2016.[3] As per the guidelines, if the person fulfils the criteria for benchmark disability, the medical board in the authorized hospital issues a disability certificate (DC). The DC with benchmark disability is required to avail various welfare benefits. Currently, only government hospitals are authorized to issue DC in most states.[4] However, in Tamil Nadu, some non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are permitted to issue DC.

Overall, rural areas accounted only for a third of DC issued. The present study was conducted in tertiary care centres located in urban areas which may have contributed to the under-representation of patients from rural areas. In addition, those from the rural areas may have availed DC in nearby district/taluk hospitals primarily through disability certification camps. Interestingly, rural areas accounted for 97% of DC issued in Lucknow, and half of DC issued from Bikaner, Chandigarh and Kashmir. The catchment area of respective centres may also have contributed to the difference.

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ID accounted for most DC issued across seven centres. Many parent organizations and special schools have created awareness about DC and associated welfare benefits, which could be the reason.[4] Early referral through teachers/schools, school health programmes (for scholastic difficulties) and doctors (for delayed milestones) could also have contributed to the findings. In addition, IQ assessment is part of the workup of a person with ID.[9] The DC also entitles the person to avail a range of benefits under the National Trust Act 1999.[9] In Puducherry, the departments of paediatrics and psychiatry issue DC for children with ID separately.[10] This may account for the low number of DC issued from the department of psychiatry in Puducherry. The Mumbai centre is renowned for child mental health services, and this might have led to ASD and SLD being the most common condition certified for disability, followed by ID. Both Kashmir and Madurai centres issued more DC to MI than ID. This may be due to differences in the catchment area and the profile of services offered. ASD and SLD are new disabilities that are included recently in the RPWD Act 2016 and are under-represented in the number of DC issued across centres. Lower numbers may also be due to difficulties assessing these conditions for disability certification like expertise available, tools available and demand for such certificates. The NIMHANS SLD battery is not available in all Indian languages.

Overall, 2018 patients were issued DC for various psychiatric disorders across 11 centres in 2019. The number of certificates issued across different centres varied from 34 to 622. In terms of diagnostic profile, intellectual disability accounted for most of the certificates issued. In terms of psychiatric diagnosis, schizophrenia was the most common psychiatric diagnosis, followed by bipolar disorder, for which a DC was issued. When the diagnosis was considered, centre wise, intellectual disability (6 centres), mental illness (MI; 4 centres), and autism and specific learning disability (1 centre) accounted for the most DCs issued. Schizophrenia (9 centres), bipolar affective disorder (1 centre), and dementia (1 centre) were the most common MI for which DC was issued. Across centres, more than two-thirds of DC were issued to males.

The circular addressed to Director Health Services Jammu and Kashmir is titled Issuance of online certificate for disabilities under UDID portal. It has stated that the people with disabilities applying online for a disability certificate be provided complete online certification under UDID.

It includes, Online availability of data of Person with Disabilities across country through a centralized web application. Online filing and submission of registration application form for disability certificate/ Universal ID card; Offline applications may also be accepted and subsequently digitized by agencies. Quick Assessment process for calculating the percentage of disability by the hospitals/ Medical Board. Non-duplication of PwDs data. Online renewal and update of information by Person with Disabilities/ on their behalf

While studying in the 7th standard, he injured his hand helping a man whose vehicle was stuck in mud, which resulted in the loss of one finger on his right hand. He received a disability certificate from the government of Jammu and Kashmir based on his injuries.

Farooz Ahmad lost his father in March 2014, and a flood damaged his house a few months later. In October 2014, he suffered a serious leg injury after a vehicle hit his bicycle. He was not able to walk properly for two years, and eventually became permanently disabled. He applied for and received a disability certificate from the Jammu and Kashmir government, and started playing cricket with local teams in his village.

If a person gets injured with permanent disability same procedure as indicated above is followed, however a certificate from the competent authority I.e. medical Board is to be obtained indicating the nature of injury sustained by the said person which qualifies him for relief under permanent disability category .The case is placed before the District Level Screening Cum Co Ordination Committee for discussion/clearance. If the case is found complete in that event ex gratia relief of Rs.0.75 lacs is sanctioned in favour of the injured person

For serious injury ,i.e. hospitalization for more than 24 hrs, Rs.0.05 lacs is payable

For Injury, i.e. hospitalization for less than 24 hrs, Rs.0.01 lacs is payable

For Minor injury discharge after first aid Rs.500 e24fc04721

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