Welcome SC Project Learning Tree Facilitators!

Thank you for being a part of our state program. Facilitators are the backbone of PLT and we couldn't have a successful program without you! These are all of the resources and forms you will need to conduct a PD event in South Carolina.

Before the PD event submit:

1. PD event or presentation proposal

2. Tentative agenda

After the PD event, presentation, or other PLT function submit:

1. Facilitator coversheet or presentation-exhibit form

2. In-kind report (please document total hours preparing, leading, and wrapping up your program)

3. Travel reimbursement form (must register as a vendor first: and final agenda (make sure to list city and state)

4. Co-facilitator form(s) if applicable

5. Participant information/evaluation forms (if not done electronically at the PD event; not necessary for a presentation)

6. Photo release forms (if applicable)

SC PLT Land Acknowledgement Statement (not a requirement for PLT Facilitators)

"SC PLT and our national sponsor, the Sustainable Forestry Initiative, would like to recognize the fact that this PD event at __(location)__ is occurring on the ancestral territories of the __(tribe)__ people in what is now __(City/County) __, SC. We are committed to building forest-focused collaborations that recognize and respect Indigenous Peoples’ rights, traditional knowledge, diverse ways of knowing, relationships with the land, enduring leadership in forest stewardship, and responsibilities to future generations."

Resources from the Sustainable Forestry Initiative about indigenous relations: 

Facilitator resources to find indigenous groups in your area:

Native Land:   

US Federally Recognized Tribes:  

SC Indian Tribes: Native Americans in South Carolina ( 

SC PLT Facilitator Handbook

Everything you need to know about being a SC Project Learning Tree Facilitator.

Curriculum Resources

Resources for each activity guide including: PowerPoints, "Hike Through the Guides", sample agendas, and supplemental resources. 

PD Event/Presentation/Exhibit Paperwork

Forms to be completed by facilitators and participants for each professional development event.

Resources For Outreach and Leading PD Events

Publicity ideas and other helpful resources for facilitating professional development events.

SC PLT Environmental Education Centers and Tree Trunks

Outreach materials such as a SC PLT EE Center flier and inventory lists for the Tree Trunks. 

SC PLT Facilitator Roster

A list of the current SC PLT Facilitators by county.

South Carolina Project Learning Tree Coordinators

Matt Schnabel

SC PLT State Coordinator 

PLT PD Events, PLT GreenSchools

South Carolina Forestry Commission

PO Box 21707

Columbia, SC 29221


Leslie Wilson

Assistant SC PLT State Coordinator

PLT EE Centers

South Carolina Forestry Commission

PO Box 21707

Columbia, SC 29221
