Money & Macro

Here is a list of books on Money which are available for download - For discussion of Fiat Money Shari'a Status and Economics, see: Monetary Economics


John F Richards - The Imperial Monetary System of Mughal India

JM Keynes - Indian Currency and Finance

Perry Mehrling - Money and Empire

Cesarano F.-Monetary Theory and Bretton Woods_ The Construction of an International Monetary Order-CUP (2006)

Michael Hudson - Killing the Host_ How Financial Parasites and Debt Bondage Destroy the Global Economy-Nation Books, Year_ 2016 (2016)

ZARLENGA, Stephen - The Lost Science of Money_ The Mythology of Money - the Story of Power-American Monetary Institute (2002)

Barry Eichengreen_ Arnaud Mehl_ Livia Chiţu - How Global Currencies Work

Akinobu Kuroda - A Global History of Money

John Harvey Currencies Capital Flows and Crises

Morrison - England's Cross of Gold_ Keynes, Churchill

Mohamed El-Erian - The Only Game in Town_ Central Banks, Instability, and Avoiding the Next Collapse-Random House (2016)

Mitchell Wray Watts Macroeconomics

Perry Mehrling - The New Lombard Street_ How the Fed Became the Dealer of Last Resort  -Princeton University Press (2010)


The Battle of Bretton Woods John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the Making of a New World Order by Benn Steil

Leon Wansleben - The Rise of Central Banks_ State Power in Financial Capitalism-Harvard University Press (2023)

John Singleton - Central Banking in the Twentieth Century-Cambridge University Press (2010)

Glyn Davies - A History of Money_ From Ancient Times to the Present Day (2002, University of Wales Press)

Carl Wennerlind - Casualties of Credit_ The English Financial Revolution, 1620-1720  -Harvard University Press (2011)

Augusto Graziani - The Monetary Theory of Production -Cambridge University Press (2003)

Ben Bernanke - 21st Century Monetary Policy

Atif Mian, Amir Sufi - House of Debt_ How They (and You) Caused the Great Recession, and How We Can Prevent It from Happening Again-University Of Chicago Press (2014)

Randall Wray - A Great Leap Forward_ Heterodox Economic Policy for the 21st Century

Claudio Sardoni - Unemployment, Recession and Effective Demand_ The Contributions of Marx, Keynes and Kalecki-Edward Elgar Pub (2011)

Vince Cable - Money and Power

Michael Hudson - Super Imperialism. The Economic Strategy of American Empire. Third Edition-Islet (2021)

Adam Tooze - Crashed_ How a Decade of Financial Crises Changed the World-Viking (2018)

Clara E. Mattei - The Capital Order_ How Economists Invented Austerity and Paved the Way to Fascism-University of Chicago Press (2022)

Eric Williams - Capitalism and Slavery

Michel De Vroey - A History of Macroeconomics from Keynes to Lucas

Curzio Giannini - Age of Central Banks

Justin Fox-The Myth of the Rational Market_ A History of Risk, Reward, and Delusion on Wall Street-HarperBusiness (2009)

Ellen Brown  - The Public Bank Solution

Ellen Brown  - Web of Debt_ The Shocking Truth