Ongoing projects

MontObEO is a 3 year research project funded by FCT (Portugal) aiming to implement an early-warning system, the Montesinho Biodiversity Observatory, by using time series of satellite remote sensing data and ecological niche models to identify changes on habitat quality and species extinction risk over time and space.

The NA2RE project compiles updated data about the distribution of European amphibians and reptiles. NA2RE is based in a system of distributed online databases.

GeoLIBERO's general objective is to consolidate and make sustainable over time a thematic network for the exchange of knowledge and cooperation between different R & D & I groups of the Ibero-American region related to the field of Geomatics and its application to the needs and study of the main problems in Latin America. GeoLibero is CYTED project.

The COST action PERIAMAR (PEsticide RIsk AssessMent for Amphibians and Reptiles) aims to propose a procedure to avoid unacceptable risks of pesticides to amphibians and reptiles at the European level, through a multidisciplinary network of scientists from academia, government, business and non-governmental organizations.

The Square Kilometer Array (SKA) will be the first transcontinental radio telescope ever created. It will add 3,000 parabolic antennas and one million dipole antennas. Mid-frequency antennas will be joined by Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Mozambique, Namibia, Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius and Zambia, will be able to increase the rate of celestial observation in ten thousand times, with a sensitivity 50 times superior.

Past projects

A multidisciplinary approach to determine home ranges of Iberian lacertids using GIS, remote sensing, ecological niche modelling, and spatial statistics.


We propose two different solutions for monitoring road-kills: 1) a Mobile Mapping System to detect automatically amphibians' road-kills in roads, and 2) a Fixed Detection System to monitor automatically road-kills in a particular road place during a long time.


This Life project aims to essay, evaluate and disseminate practices directed at mitigation of negative effects from transport/energy infrastructures in wild fauna and simultaneously promote the creation, along them, of a demonstrative Green Infrastructure.