Subhash Baburao Kul College Library
It has been said that library is a Heart of any institutions. The strength of institute depends on its infrastructure, faculty and students. Considering this the institution has given more attention to the library.
Today the institution has its own specious library hall with all facilities. It can accommodate near 100 readers at a time. It is continuously developing.
There are Number of reference books like Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Biographical Books, Year Books, Journals, Bound Volumes, Competitive Exam related books, General & Text books etc.
Special Features
Internet Facility for Students
Inter Library Loan for library Users
Orientation in library use for new students enrolled in College
Library OPAC
Photo Copying, Newspaper Clipping & Reference services
Organization of Book Exhibition
Book Bank Scheme
Select, acquire, preserve and disseminate relevant and latest information to user
Supply the latest information to all specialties in their respective field
Issue and retrieve books and other relevant material on the notice board
Assists users to access information on the world wide web
Provide information communication transmission service to all users
To establish a library that serves a source of generating information and knowledge with globally responsive resources and services, and support instruction, research and extension services
Encourage academic achievement, success and lifelong learning to enhance teaching excellence
Provide a variety of learning resources, services and facilities to support a diverse community
Dr. Prof. Manisha N. Jadhav (Librarian)
M.A, M.Lib, M.Phil, SET , Ph.D.
M.A, M.Lib, M.Phil, SET , Ph.D. 9226312856 /