Guide To SBCGlobal Email Log In

Do you Know About SBCGlobal Email Login Account

SBC Global Email is an American telecommunications company that's now owned and operated by AT&T. Although, almost all of its services are discontinued. However, users of SBCGlobal mail Login Account still have access to their own email services. In actuality, this support is available free of cost for users who would like to keep on using their email accounts.

As a user of SBC Global net Login Account, you can check your Inbox for new/ old mails, Create and Send New Emails, Create Email Messages and Save Drafts, Forward Emails, Reply To Emails, Delete Emails etc.. So as to perform these functions, you have to get into your SBCGlobal Email Login Account. You can easily access your email account via these methods:

  • Login online through the official site of AT&T Login.

  • Transfer it to your Gmail Account and get your SBCGlobal Login's Emails.

  • Configure it on any Mail Client such as Microsoft Outlook and get your accounts.

How To Get SBCGlobal Login Account?

First of all, you should start your favorite online Browser SBCGlobal Login. As an example, you might have Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Mozilla, Firefox etc.. You need to click on an icon for one of these Browsers. For this, take a look at your system's Taskbar i.e. in the base left-hand side of your screen. Else, you might find it on your Desktop.

  • Now, you need to go to the web site of AT&T which supports SBCGlobal Login. To put it differently, type in “" in the Address Bar of your Browser. Then, hit the "Enter" key.

  • Because of this, it is going to take you to the necessary site for SBCGlobal Login. Now, examine the top right-hand corner of the site for "Mail". Then, place your cursor over it to enlarge it.

  • Next, you need to click the"Sign In" tab in the expanded menu .

Consequently, it is going to redirect you to SBCGlobal Login site. Here, you're expected to supply your Login Credentials. Thus, enter your registered Email Address properly. Then, you must accurately provide the corresponding"Password". Here, you need to be very careful when entering it as passwords are case-sensitive. Apart from that, you have the choice to stay logged in for a maximum of two weeks before you"Sign Out". For this, you should look for the "Keep me signed in" option. In case if you wish to pick this option. Then, click on the checkbox beside it. However, it's suggested not to pick this option if if you use a Public/ Common device. Lastly, click on the “Sign In" button for SBCGlobal Login.

Transfer SBCGlobal Login Account For Your Gmail Account


Occasionally, you might acquire multiple email accounts from several service providers. But in the future, you find it tough to manage unique accounts. Besides that, there might be other reasons like technical problems or closure of services which make it tough to keep separate email accounts. In this circumstance, it's possible that you move your SBCGlobal Login Account to your Gmail Account. As such, all of your new and old messages are moved to your Gmail Account. Besides this, you can continue to send and receive emails in your SBCGlobal Login Account. The only difference is you will get this account through your Gmail Account. In short, you'll have access to both of your email accounts from one Gmail Login. This way, you do not need to remember multiple login credentials or login to multiple email accounts.

Before moving your SBCGlobal Login Account for your Gmail account, it's important to not forget 1 thing. You may make this change just in case if you've created your SBCGlobal Login Account before 11th June 2011.

Method To Transfer SBCGlobal Account

To start with, start a Web Browser on your PC. As an example, you might have Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Mozilla, Firefox etc..

  • Now, go to "".

  • Then, "Sign In" to your Gmail Account.

  • As soon as you're logged into your Gmail account, start looking for"Settings". For this, you should look for the"Gear" icon in the top right-hand corner of the window. Then, click on it.

  • Next, you should choose"Settings" in the expanded menu .

  • Thereafter, click on the"Accounts and Import" tab located in the very top to get it.

  • Here, you should look for the"Check email from different accounts" section. Beside it, you'll discover the"Insert a email account" tab. Hence, click on it.

  • Consequently, you'll receive an"Insert a email account" menu . Here, you must give your SBCGlobal Login account's Email Address.

  • Thereafter, click on "Next" to proceed.

  • Then, type in the corresponding Password on the next window.

  • Then, click on"Next".

  • The next window prompts you to select Incoming Server for SBCGlobal Login. Therefore, click on the drop-down menu box for"POP Server". Then, select “".

  • Then, you need to change the Port Settings to 995.

  • Then, tick mark the checkbox for"Leave a copy of recovered message on the server". Because of this, Gmail won't delete your emails.

Apart from that, it gives you the option to"Always use SSL so as to retrieve the mails". Therefore, tick mark the checkbox for this option. Along with that, pick the option to ```Label incoming messages". This will make certain your Gmail Account can pick the email messages coming from the SBCGlobal Login account. Aside from that, it exhibits the"Archive incoming messages" option. You can pick this option if you don't want the emails from SBCGlobal Webmail to look in this Gmail Account. Lastly, click on the "Add Account" button. After that, wait for it to move your SBCGlobal Login Account.

How To Configure SBCGlobal Account On An Email Client?

Aside from shifting your SBCGlobal Sign in Account for your Gmail Account, there's another alternative for effortless access. You can conveniently access your emailing service by configuring it on any Mail Client. For Example, Microsoft Outlook, Windows Mail, Thunderbird etc..

To begin with, launch any one of the available Email Client on your system. To put it differently, you should have an Email Client previously installed on your device. To be able to get it, click on Windows"Start" >"All Programs" >"Microsoft Office" >"Microsoft Outlook".

  • Now, click "Next" on its Welcome window.

  • Next, you need to click"File" in the top left-hand corner of this window.

  • Then, click on "Add Account".

  • Under it, click on"Account Settings".

  • Thereafter, click"New" in the Mail section of the subsequent menu box.

  • Then, select"Manual setup or other server types".

  • Then, click on"Next".

  • On the next window, you have to select"POP or IMAP". Then, click on"Next".

  • Now, you must offer the following details in the"POP and IMAP Account Settings" window.

  • Your Name: Give Your Complete Name.

  • E-mail Address: Enter your SBCGlobal Login Account's Email Address.

  • Account Type: Select "POP3" as the Account Type.

  • Incoming Mail Server: Type in “"

  • Username: It's usually your whole email address.

  • Password: Type in its corresponding Password.

  • Next, you should pick the"Security (SSL)" option.

  • This will auto-populate the "Incoming Port Number". Make sure it is set to"995". Else, change it to "995".

  • Thereafter, click "Next".

Because of this, it is going to validate the Incoming Server information and link to it. This window will prompt you for Outgoing Mail Server details. Hence, fill in these details carefully. Enter Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) as “" Pick the"Security (SSL)" option. Input the"Outgoing Port Number" as"465". Provide your Username, that is usually your SBCGlobal Login's Email Address. Type in your email account's "Password". Thereafter, click "Next".

Because of this, it is going to connect to the Server after validating the supplied details. Then, it is going to download all of your emails. At last, it is going to confirm the effective configuration of SBCGlobal Login Account. Hence, click "Finish" to complete the procedure. Email Account Login:

The Bellsouth email service is now only part of AT&T Company. Some reports were to move to some other Consequently, if you plan on using a email sign then you may have a look at this new site rather than Bellsouth homepage.

Implementing email login to this new service is rather straightforward task. This brief instruction guides you through the Bellsouth email login page port, once you're using the AT&T instead of this old login to get your messages.

Using Mail Account Login with AT&T Mail Service

Nowadays, once you're opening a Bellsouth email log in page, it redirects you to the AT&T signing page ( This is totally normal.

Note: The AT&T site ( contains all essential information that you will need for using Bellsouth email account in modern days, such as recovery, migration and settings information. To locate it, please refer to this site navigation and search given by AT&T.

You have to do no anything special or additional to use your registered login to get into your account now. Just fill all of the fields required and press a blue curved button"Sign In", as in older Bellsouth email login page. Should you forget your login or the password, you can attempt to recover your Bellsouth email address to sign in data by clicking on either "Forgot User ID/Email Address?" or "Forgot Password?" Links below the right fields. Follow the instructions to catch these data again.

Implementing Bellsouth Email Login for

An alternative for obtaining email account login is a service named You can use it with a subsequent link: At the left side of the page you'll discover a form to input your Bellsouth email login. Fill the area"Your Email Address" with complete Bellsouth log in speech data, like somehow@, not just somehow. After completing the form, click on the"Login" button to accept the entered information as your Bellsouth email log in combination.

Note: It is not possible to register a new email login by using this service. Nowadays, you can't acquire a new Bellsouth login by no way!

Bellsouth Email Sign in: Security Topics

  • These days, the most security issues touching a matter of security for email login are obsolete.

  • Caveat: Really, the only security rule stays strict for constant using your Bellsouth email login through distinct email bridge services: always keep your password secure and real!

  • Firstly, try to keep your password by any means, including both security against the"memory loss" when you forget a password, and by the"physical loss" of a media containing your password (like a journal, a sheet of newspaper or a telephone ).

  • Advice: If you've got a habit of losing your passwords methodically, try some keyring software solution to store your passwords securely.

  • These utilities, such as Handy Password, can keep all of your login data under a single common encrypted key, which means you might use it automatically anytime you require.

  • The next real suggestion is a matter of Mail address changing. Your email sign in is a excellent second opportunity to migrate to a new email without reductions. Therefore, pick a new email provider, migrate your email if you would like, and start from scratch!