Suborna Barua
Assistant Professor
Department of International Business, University of Dhaka |
Academic Profiles: University of Dhaka | Federation University Australia | Google Scholar | ResearchGate | ORCID | Personal site
Download resources for 2019-IB 6th Semester Students
Course: International Financial Management (IB 308)
Note for students: All resources for this course will be updated on this site.
Notes for students:
This course outline is tentative. Contents of the course may change considering the necessity of every session during the actual delivery.
Students must keep this outline always with them while attending course activities.
Students having any query about the course content may email me for further clarification.
NOTICE: IB-308 Mid-term Examination - 1
The schedule for your Mid-term examination 1 has now been finalized. Below are the specifics:
Date: 26 August 2019 (Monday)
Time: 9 AM to 10.45 AM
Venue: Exam Hall 2, MBA Building, FBS, DU.
Examination syllabus includes topics covered so far in the class except sessions on Currency Options.
Questionnaire for Research Project on
The Firm-level impacts of international borrowing in Bangladesh
IB308 Assignment 1 Submission Guideline
Assignment 1 Topic: Explaining the exchange rate behavior of major trading currencies with Bangladesh Taka
Submission detail:
All assignments must be submitted ONLINE ONLY at by 28 July 2019 10 PM. Submission must include two files: (1) the analysis in Word file and (2) the Excel data file. Do not copy and paste the original data in your MS word file, instead use the graphs/charts you make in your analysis.
The submission email must contain the subject line using this format: "YOUR NAME: YOUR ID: A1-IB308-2019". If you make any changes to this format except your name and ID, you submission may end up unsuccessful. I suggest you copy the entire line above and paste it in your email subject line and then, simply replace your name and ID.
An electronic receipt will be issued for every successful submission. If you receive no receipt email after submission, it means your submission has not been successful, and you should correct any error done and try again.
For any violation of the instructions above, submission will be considered cancelled or ineligible for marking.
Plagiarism is a crime. Evidence of a >10% similarity will automatically yield you a Fail grade, i.e., you will receive zero (0) mark for the assignment and no further consideration will be given.
There is no scope for any extraordinary consideration if you fail to submit an assignment in time. This means, there is only ONE chance; you submit or do not submit. There is STRICTLY no chance for a re-submission or extension of the deadline.
Any question regarding the assignment or submission process is welcome through; or you can discuss in person at the department.
IB 308 Forex Determination Exercise 1 Files: