
HPSD 2024 School Bond

Say NO to:

Concerned about the future of our students and community? Then say NO to the proposed school bond! Let's prioritize fiscal responsibility and demand transparency in how our taxes are utilized. Together, we can advocate for smarter solutions that address our students needs without burdening taxpayers. Join us in voting NO to ensure accountability and safeguard our financial well-being. Demand that your voice be heard in deciding what is best for our students and community - on May 7th vote NO on this bond proposal!

A 'NO' vote is a vote for a better bond, one that would encourage and value community input, fiscal responsibility, and transparency.

Our students and community deserve better...and voting NO demands it.

Latest News


Click link icon above to view article in Madison-Park News concerning Hazel Park School Bond Proposal.

Help Spread the Word!

Want a Yard Sign?

Send us an e-mail using link below and we'll drop one off or arrange for you to pick it up!

Flyer_Vote NO on HPSD Bond.pdf

Want a Flyer?

Help inform your neighbors about this bond proposal by printing and sharing this flyer!

Click on upper right-hand corner to view full-size image.

Want to support the Vote No campaign?

If you'd like to contribute to the cost of yard signs and other community outreach being performed by this group, please send payment to the WITH STUDENTS IN MIND committee. Thanks in advance!

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