Academic Projects

The Third Eye (2020)

Implementation of thesis work. A video based helping aid for dementia patient.

Hybrid decision tree (2020)

Designed and implemented a hybrid decision tree algorithm and tested on multiple datasets.

Probabilistic under sampling method (2020)

Designed and implemented a probabilistic under sampling method and tested on 5 different datasets.

Pneumonia Detection using Chest X-ray (2019)

Implemented a Convolutional neural network architecture that detects pneumonia from chest x-ray images with 95% accuracy. CNN architecture was created using Keras. This project was done as a fulfillment of the Machine learning course requirement.

GoPedal (2019)

Developed A cycle renting platform using PHP, HTML, and CSS. The project focused on a green environment by allowing users to rent cycles from stations nearby and pay according to hours used via mobile application. This project was developed for the fulfillment of the Database Management System Laboratory course requirement.

Bed Balancing Ambulance (2019)

A smart ambulance that balances the patient’s bed in a steady position even though the road is unsafe or rocky and give the patient onboard a safe and less troubling journey. This project was done under the Microprocessor Laboratory course. Arduino Uno, Gyroscope, stepper motor were used to develop the dummy ambulance bed. Coding was done in the Arduino language which is similar to the C programming language.

Theory of Everything (2017)

An Information system software created using JAVA with a graphical user interface under the Object-Oriented Programming course. This application provides the user with a list of the university in which they are eligible to apply by comparing their results and university requirements.

Fire Alarm and Rescue System (2019)

IoT based Autonomous fire detection and alarm system that notifies the nearest fire service station and hospital