
My research interests are focused mainly on rigidity properties of lattices in semisimple Lie groups. 

Keywords: character variety, ideal points, numerical invariants for representations and bounded cohomology, Mostow rigidity type theorems. 

Keywords: rank one lattices, measurable cocycles, numerical invariants and bounded cohomology, Margulis/Zimmer rigidity/superrigidity type theorems, algebraic hull and reducibility, tautness and measure equivalence, maximal cocycles and mapping degree.

Keywords: Eilenberg-MacLane cohomology with measurable coefficients, Euler/Kahler parametrized class, Ghys correspondence type theorems.

Keywords: dendrites, elementarity of virtual actions, unitary representations in Bochner spaces, Monod cocycle.

Keywords: measurable cohomology of Lie groups and their boundaries, Monod's conjecture. 

Keywords: measured and ergodic groupoids, measurable cohomology, amenability, Poisson boundaries for reflected measures, algebraic representability.

Here you can find my arXiv profile . I report below a list of my papers: