VitaPost Blood Pressure Support is a bespoke combination of botanicals and vitamins formulated to support blood pressure levels already within the normal range. It is always important to monitor blood pressure levels, and if you have any doubt you should consult with a healthcare professional. VitaPost Blood Pressure Support can nutritionally support heart health, cardiovascular health, and a healthy lifestyle.

Benefits of Blood Pressure Support:

  • Supports cardiovascular health;

  • Supports a healthy heart and circulatory system;

  • Supports healthy blood pressure within the normal range.

Potent Vitamins and Minerals

Biotin is involved in the body’s glycolysis pathway, and it can support healthy levels of blood glucose and ketone bodies within their normal ranges. Chromium has been broadly associated with healthy, normal-range blood sugar. Some research has linked the two as acting synergistically. Other beneficial vitamins and minerals in Blood Sugar Support include vanadium, manganese and vitamins E & C.

The Merits

VitaPost Blood Sugar Support can supplement your diet and healthy lifestyle, supporting healthy blood sugar levels within the normal range.

Supports Healthy Blood Sugar Levels Within the Normal Range

Keeping your blood sugar within the normal range is essential to good health. Blood Sugar Support provides nutritional support to complement your diet, exercise and healthcare regime.1-12

Helps Support Healthy HbA1c Levels Within the Normal Range

HbA1c is a kind of blood protein that is stuck to a sugar molecule, and higher levels of HbA1c are associated with higher blood sugar. Some of the ingredients in Blood Sugar Support can support healthy HbA1c levels.1,2

Supports the Glucose Homeostasis System

Biotin, a B-vitamin, plays an integral role to support the balance of glucose in your system. The chromium in Blood Sugar Support works synergistically with biotin, and several studies have suggested this combination is beneficial.2,3

Digestion is the process of breaking down food. Our bodies produce enzymes that are essential to digestion, but many people could benefit from extra support.

Helps Break Down Most Foods

The broad-spectrum formula includes helpful enzymes that can support the digestion of proteins, starches, sugars, lactose, fats, nuts, plant and fungi fibers, and gluten. Digestive Enzymes provides 18 different enzymes, some of which act together, and each is matched specifically to a certain kind of food. The formula can’t prevent food allergies or intolerances, but it can support healthy digestion in healthy people.

Amylase, Glucoamylase, Lactase, Beta Glucanase, Invertase

Carbohydrate Enzymes

Amylase is an enzyme that digests starch, and your body naturally produces it in your gut and saliva. Starches, like in potatoes or rice, are available in excess in modern diets.8

Many sugars can be hard to digest, and those of you who avoid milk sugar (lactose) will be familiar with the problem. Lactase can support the digestion of lactose. (Digestive Enzymes is not meant to prevent or treat any disease or allergy, including allergy to dairy products).

Invertase helps break down table sugar into more easily digested glucose and fructose. The beta-glucans in mushrooms aren’t easily digestible, but beta-glucanase helps support their break-down

VitaPost Energy Complex is designed to support physical energy levels and mental alertness. This formula was carefully designed to support energy levels throughout the day, with one capsule to be taken in the morning and one in the afternoon, peak times for energy output.

Energy Complex includes a comprehensive blend of minerals, vitamins and botanical extracts. Key ingredients include:

B-Vitamin Complex

B-Vitamins, also known as the energy vitamins, convert food into energy in the body. Energy Complex includes all eight B-vitamins.


This amino acid has been shown to positively impact exercise performance. You’ll know it from more famous energy drinks!

Covering four different approaches to the nourishment of a healthy immune system, Immune Complex provides vitamins, zinc, probiotics and herbal extracts in a convenient, once-a-day serving. The immune system is a complicated machine, so Immune Complex offers many different kinds of support in one dietary supplement.

Vital Vitamins

It’s common knowledge that vitamin C is a key nutrient for the functioning of a healthy immune system. Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant also associated with the immune system, especially among older people. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is yet another essential vitamin that is a necessary nutrient for a healthy immune system. All three of these are provided by Immune Complex in good supplementary amounts.

The immune system is hugely complicated. It fights off an unbelievable number of offensive bacteria, fungi and viruses every day, as well as being responsible for the clean-up of dead or damaged cells throughout the body.

Immune Support aims to provide a wide range of nutrients, vitamins and botanical extracts to support a healthy immune system in as many ways as possible.

Keto Trim is a formula that provides ready-to-use ketone bodies to jump-start one’s keto weight loss journey. The ketogenic diet is taking the fitness and wellbeing industry by storm, and keto supplements to support this are becoming wildly popular.

The ketogenic diet – it’s popular because it works

The basic idea of a keto diet is to use stored fat as energy instead of sugar from one’s diet. By sticking to a strictly low-carb / high-fat / adequate-protein food intake, one’s metabolism becomes tuned to processing fat.

Traditional Botanicals

One key ingredient, astragalus, has been widely used in traditional Chinese wellness practices for centuries. In modern times, astragalus has been scientifically shown to support some measures of urinary tract health already within the normal range. Some research has suggested astragalus can support a healthy heart and immune system too.

A range of other beneficial, traditional botanicals are present in Kidney Support; including Birch leaf, Buchu, Juniper Berry and Stinging Nettle.

Krill oil is a popular health supplement with benefits in supporting a healthy heart, skin, cognitive function and overall health. This wide-range of benefits make VitaPost Krill Oil Plus a great choice for affiliate marketers to promote.

Krill oil is packed with beneficial omega-3 fatty acids as well as omega 6 and 9. Long-chain omega-3 fatty acid intake (EPA & DHA) may have several positive effects for overall health. Many Americans could benefit from higher intakes.

The Prostate Plus formula is designed to support urinary health, healthy urinary flow, and overall prostate health through a combination of vitamins, minerals and herbal extracts.

  • Healthy prostate support: The nutritional ingredients such as plant sterols, green tea extract, tomato powder, and more, were chosen to support a healthy prostate

  • Healthy urinary flow: The saw palmetto berry has been used traditionally by Native Americans for urinary tract support

  • Urinary health: The ingredients in Prostate Plus work synergistically to support urinary health. In particular, the vitamins in red raspberry powder and mushroom extract support this.

Subclinical hypothyroidism is thought to occur in 4–8% of Americans, and it's common for this condition to progress to full-blown hypothyroidism. Also known as underactive thyroid, hypothyroidism is associated with depression, fatigue, weight gain, and ‘brain fog'.

The thyroid is a complicated little organ that requires special support. For example, the thyroid is the only organ that requires nourishing with iodine.

When a thyroid is functioning well, it can support normal intellectual function, metabolic rate and calcium regeneration. VitaPost Thyroid Support is a bespoke mix of ingredients formulated to support healthy energy levels, focus and clarity, and healthy thyroid hormone production.

  • Turmeric - This spice is one of the most popular food supplements ever, with studies benefits for body & mind health and antioxidant properties

  • Curcuminoids - These natural polyphenol compounds are derived from turmeric. Studies indicate curcuminoids provide support for the immune system, cognitive function, and joint health

  • BioPerine - A patented extract of peppercorn, BioPerine is used to dramatically increase the absorption of curcumin

Pacran is a patented, full-spectrum extract of whole cranberries that ensures the content of polyphenols and A-Type Proanthocyanidins (A-PACs). Clinical studies have shown Pacran to support the health of the urinary tract by interfering with the adhesion of bacteria to the epithelium (urinary tract walls). Put simply, Pacran can help support the maintenance of urinary tract health.


Introducing VitaPost Apple Cider Vinegar Pure, the new extract form of apple cider vinegar now available in an easy to swallow capsule - without the sharp smell and nasty taste of liquid vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is one of the most popular health tonics on the market today. It's known throughout the health community for its many benefits. Support your everyday health with VitaPost Apple Cider Vinegar Pure today.

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  • 25% discount for your next order on Apple Cider Vinegar Pure

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The Nutritional Male Performance Formula

Support your sexual health and

be the star of your performance

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What is CLA

CLA is essentially a group of chemicals that are found in foods that are high in polyunsaturated fat. Often compared to 'omega' fatty acids (like omega-3 or omega-6), CLA is regarded as an essential fat as it cannot be produced or synthesized by the body and we can only get it from our diet. CLA is known for supporting a healthy body composition. As CLA can only be obtained through your diet, and since relatively few foods contain it, it can be difficult to obtain in a useful amount. CLA extract in a supplement form is one effective method of getting sufficient levels of CLA without having to eat excessive amounts of red meat or dairy products.

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Expires 31/12/2021


Garcinia cambogia is one the most talked-about natural supplements on the market. Found in Southeast Asia, this small pumpkin-shaped fruit is related to a large genus of tropical trees that includes the mangosteen. Garcinia cambogia fruit and rind are used in culinary dishes across Southeast Asia for their naturally sour quality. It's also been used in traditional Ayurvedic wellness practices for hundreds of years for digestion and related benefits.

Garcinia cambogia is abundant with a key compound called hydroxycitric acid (HCA). HCA is a competitive inhibitor of (acts against) 'ATP citrate lyase,' which is an enzyme that supports the storage of energy in the body as fat or cholesterol.1

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Active Expires 31/12/2021

What is Liver Support Plus?

Your liver is one of the hardest working organs in the human body. It has a range of functions that are essential to your health and wellbeing including detoxification, balancing healthy cholesterol levels, and healthy metabolic processing. Tough, resilient, and even capable of regeneration, the liver is often overlooked for its quiet tenacity. Some of us take our livers for granted.

VitaPost Liver Support Plus is a bespoke blend of herbal extracts that work synergistically to assist with nourishing and supporting your liver. A range of modern and traditional ingredients ensure your liver gets extra support.

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Introducing Lutenol

Lutenol is a carefully formulated mix of high-quality vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts and carotenoids. It is designed to provide support for eye function and health. The Lutenol formula is closely aligned to scientific research carried out by the National Eye Institute, and is as applicable to healthy aging eyes as it is to healthy younger eyes.

The benefits of Lutenol are broad, helping with support for retina, lens and macula health, as well as providing antioxidants to fight the free-radicals that oxidize sensitive eye cells. Trace minerals and key vitamins ensure support for your visual system's general nutrition, while the anthocyanoside in bilberry supports the retina in particular. Lutein and zeaxanthin, which both must be obtained as food from certain plants, are naturally concentrated in a healthy visual system (the eyes and brain), and Lutenol provides these in support of eye nourishment.1

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Take your workouts and your results to the next level with Max Gains.

All products in the Max Gains range are legal, and have been manufactured in an FDA registered facility to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) guidelines.

No matter your training goals, get specialized support for your workouts with Max Gains.

What you can expect from Max Gains:

  • Fast-acting formulas

  • Includes natural botanicals

  • No prescription needed

  • No needles or injections

  • Proudly made in the USA

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What is a Nootropic?

The age of nootropics is here. A nootropic is a supplement that can provide nutritional support for memory, concentration, motivation, mood or practically anything that is related to cognition and thought patterns.

Effects of nootropics have been dramatized by fictional nootropics such as ‘NZT-48’ in the film and recent TV show ‘Limitless’ starring Bradley Cooper. Although it's not advisable to take anything as mind-altering as NZT-48, nutritionally there are many foods and ingredients that can help you get the most from your brain.1-3

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VitaPost ProJoint Plus is an expert blend of herbal extracts that is designed to support joint health. Containing 1500mg of Glucosamine Sulfate, ProJoint Plus can help support your healthy joints.1 Another key ingredient in ProJoint Plus is Chondroitin Sulfate, which is naturally present in the extracellular matrix of your skin, cartilage, ligaments, bones, and tendons.2

Supplementing joint health is easy with ProJoint Plus. It is a supplement made with high-quality ingredients, and it's trusted by happy customers worldwide.

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It's important to try get the most out of life. You only have so much time in the day. Oftentimes, many of us choose activity over sleep, and sacrifice our routines in the process. Sometimes, you just want to turn off your phone, let the world be, take your supplements and commit to sleeping the whole night through.

VitaPost Sleep Support Plus is a specially formulated sleep support supplement, with minerals, vitamins, and our proprietary blend of modern and traditional extracts. We've taken ingredients from history and from now to put together our trusted Sleep Support Plus recipe. If you're looking for something to support occasional sleeplessness, Sleep Support Plus can put that search to rest.

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VitaPost Turmeric & Ginger is the perfect superfood supplement for your daily health regime. A careful blend of the popular culinary roots, turmeric and ginger, our Turmeric & Ginger formula is fortified with the bioavailability-enhancing BioPerine®. The science behind these three ingredients has indicated many health benefits, including supporting the immune system and providing antioxidant support.

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VitaPost Colon Detox Plus is a 15-day course designed specifically to help support a healthy digestive system pass toxins and buildup. The Colon Detox Plus formula features calcium and both probiotics and prebiotics help to support healthy gut flora.

The results speak for themselves. Join the thousands of others who have taken control of their health through colon detoxing.

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Green coffee bean extract has established itself as a very popular health supplement. Green coffee bean extract contains Green Coffee Antioxidant (GCA, also known as chlorogenic acid) which has a variety of health benefits.

Where do green coffee beans come from?

Green coffee beans are raw coffee beans, before the roasting process that gives us coffee as a drink. When roasted, coffee beans lose some of their nutrients and active properties. To preserve the full benefits of Green Coffee Antioxidant, green coffee beans are extracted while in their raw, untreated form.

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Probiotic bacteria are the good bacteria that line your digestive tract and support your body in a variety of ways. These good bacteria can affect digestion, processing food for you, and allowing you to get the most out of what you eat. There is growing evidence that digestive flora influences mood, too, and many brain-chemicals are actually made in the gut.

Most of us are familiar with the unpleasant effects of an imbalance of gut flora.

You can maintain the dominance of essential good bacteria in your body by eliminating foods that feed bad bacteria and start consuming probiotic-rich foods or probiotic supplements, like VitaPost Probiotic 40-Billion.

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VitaPost Raspberry Ketone Plus is formulated around the botanical extract, raspberry ketone. Raspberry ketone is a phenolic compound that forms within red raspberries, which gives them their signature scent. We've combined it with African mango, green tea and apple cider vinegar for a more balanced formula.

Raspberry ketone has been a hot topic of discussion in both mainstream and natural health media. Literally thousands of people are exploring the benefits of this botanical extract.

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Discover the Powerful Herbal Formula of Slendarol

Slendarol could just be the dieting and exercise support you're looking for. Mother nature has provided four fantastic key ingredients that have been blended into convenient capsules. Slendarol is vegan friendly, gluten free, lactose free and non-GMO.

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Surprises happen, and sometimes we have to do things we’re not sure about; things like public speaking or sitting an exam. You can’t control the world around you, but you might need to push on through the unexpected and uncomfortable.

VitaPost Stress Support is a formula made with both modern and traditional ingredients that is designed to support a healthy response to stress. With many active compounds derived from herbal extracts, Stress Support is a health-conscious decision in supporting your healthy response to keep pushing onwards. Stress Support is not intended to treat clinical depression or anxiety disorders.

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