Curriculum Vitae

Current position:

September 2023 - August 2025 Post-doc position, Università di Milano (Italy)

Academic positions:

May 2023 - July 2023 Research position, Università di Torino (Italy)


2019 - 2023  PhD in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Università di Torino (Italy)

Thesis: On the classification of Fano manifolds and their anticanonical base locus

Supervisor: Cinzia Casagrande (webpage)

2013 - 2016  Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics, Università di Roma Tre (Italy)

2016 - 2019  Master’s degree in Mathematics, Università di Roma Tre (Italy)

Thesis: On the existence of Ulrich vector bundles on blown-up surfaces

Supervisor: Angelo Felice Lopez (webpage)

Visits abroad:

October - December 2021; March - April 2024

Long CV: pdf