Save Water

"Save water; it is our most valuable resource"

Mission of the project

" Every drop of WATER matters"

"Say no to water pollution and live a healthy life"

"Water is life, Treat it right!"

"Save water; it is our most valuable resource"

Purpose of the project

Water is the precious substance on the earth for all living beings. Nobody can even think of living without Water. The biggest problem of global warming is undoubtedly a huge water depreciation on earth which is mainly caused due to misuse of Water all over the planet, around 71% of the earth’s surface is covered by Water, out of it, only 1% of Water is clean and suitable for human consumption.


  1. The basic use of water is drinking, bathing, agriculture, irrigation, hospitality, factories, etc.

  2. Water helps in blood circulation and improves metabolism in the human body.

  3. The entire aquatic ecosystem is located in water. It is a home for all the aquatic animals.

  4. Water is a major source of transportation after land and air.

Effects of water scarcity

Water scarcity is a situation in which the supply of water is limited in comparison to the demand in a particular region. It is a growing problem all around the globe. A lack of water can have devastating consequences on the population. Clean drinking water is essential for maintaining sanitation, cleanliness, farming, and of course to sustain life itself.

This is why it is important to educate ourselves about the various causes, effects, and solutions of water scarcity. In this way, we can be better prepared to prevent this problem.

How to save water

  1. Keeping the tap closed when not in use.

  2. Check for the openings or leaks in water distribution pipes.

  3. Make sure to use collected rainwater for gardening or washing purpose.

  4. Always have a measure of how many buckets of water is wasted in a day and try to reduce.

  5. Do not run more water than necessary while washing and cleaning clothes, utensils, etc.

  6. Do not prolong your bathing. Go for a quick shower rather than wasting buckets of water

  7. Rainwater harvesting is one of the best method used for conserving water. There are different methods used to preserve rainwater instead of getting it wasted.


1.How to save water?

2.why is water important?

3.How to save rain water?

4.What are the uses of water?

5.what are the three sources of water?

6.what happens if we save water?

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