Other Factors


Hydration is critically important for your general health, especially if you are increasing your activity level to Save Your Brain!

Due to changes which happen in everyone's body over time, it becomes harder to remain hydrated as you grow older. This makes maintaining an appropriate intake of water more critical than ever. Here are some tips from Mayo Clinic to help you stay hydrated.

  • Drink before you're thirsty

  • Set small goals, like drinking one extra cup of water per day

  • Bring along a water bottle when you leave the house

  • Eat more water-rich foods, like berries

  • Drink water before you eat

Sleep Hygiene

It is important to get adequate sleep each night to help keep your brain healthy. Here are some suggestions to help you get the rest you need!

  • Sleep in a dark room with effective blinds to keep out light.

  • Avoid using your computer or phone before trying to sleep.

  • Limit how much you sleep during the day (no more than 30 minutes).

  • Avoid drinking alcohol around bedtime.

Stress Reduction

Stress is detrimental to your health and can be avoided. There are many ways you can reduce stress! Here is a list of some suggestions:

  • Practice deep breathing

  • Go dancing

  • Listen to music

  • Practice tai chi, yoga, or meditation

  • Get a massage

  • Watch a comedy

  • Paint or Sketch

Brain Injuries

As you might imagine, traumatic brain injuries increase your risk for dementia. This includes injuries which occur after the age of 55. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to reduce the risk of sustaining a head injury:

  • Use a walker or cane as needed to help you keep your balance.

  • Remove lose rugs or other objects you could trip (such as shoes or power cords) on from the floor.

  • Talk to your doctor if you are feeling light headed or dizzy, even rarely.

  • Make sure you use glasses or contact lenses if you have them, as your vision is critical for your balance.