Save Asma Gabr, my wife and mother of four children

''The campaign is in the name of Asmaa Jabr, mother of four children''

Save Asma Gabr, my wife and mother of four children, Muhammad Azmi and a Palestinian from the Gaza Strip

I came to you today exhausted and my heart is shaken, and I ask for help in getting my family out of Gaza, since the beginning of the war I lost a large number of my defenseless family members, as well as my wife was subjected to more than one shock in the loss of her unarmed relatives, their families and their children are still under the rubble and they became numbers in the civil registry. the war has stripped us of everything until we feel safe 

In the chaos, we had to flee and our young children several times and move from the center to the south. We are homeless, living in tents broken by the wind and flooded with rain, which led to severe fatigue for my family and the ruin of our mattresses 

The situation became frightening and my children and my wife were constantly panicking. the situation began to worsen in the case of my four-year-old daughter, who had trouble speaking and difficulty speaking despite her ability to speak fluently before the war, but the sounds of shelling, rockets and explosions made her freeze in place each time and unable to speak 

Today, I became terrified beyond my imagination and I see my wife suffering from psychological trauma and imbalance, which led to the deterioration of her health and psychological condition and temporary loss of memory. 

I was in conflict, between struggling to secure the basic necessities of water, housing and food and having hope to save my wife from her ordeal

, the idea of getting both things under the circumstances has become impossible and is exacerbated by a lack of healthy food, clean water, medicine and proper nutritional supplement to help heal my wife, which is getting worse day by day, the situation deteriorates and increases day by day,

Despite the difficulties, the family members gathered together are highly educated, my wife is an artist, a fine art teacher, and I am a math teacher and a trainer mind-body medicine. With the displaced in schools that have become shelters and the destruction in this region where we are suffering, there is no hope of even getting a job or a job to live and spend on my family, let alone paying a large sum at the crossing to coordinate travel 

So please, every contribution, no matter how big, will have a huge impact on the rescue of my wife and children

All the money raised transparently will be used to travel, survive the war, and begin a journey of healing, saving my wife from her difficult condition, and starting to live in peace

Your support during this difficult time means the world to me and my family, I humbly ask for your help and I encourage you to do so, time is very important to speed up the treatment of my wife, delaying it hurts her and makes the condition worse