Solid OPS

Inspired by the office escape scene in The Matrix, Solid Ops let you reMotely control PI, the protagonist of this Sneak-around.


Pi, is a child miner. Taken from his parents when s/he was 5 and put to work in the Block Chain mines, 3.14159 years ago. All those years and hard work in the mines have blinded and affected Pi's lungs.

The Overseers have implanted a chip in Pi's neck so they can control Pi and force him/her to work harder.

You are MoAI, a good hearted Overseer, who is sick of seeing the mining children suffer. You've stolen the blue prints to the mine levels and you want to at least help Pi escape the mines. To do that you'll have to guide him past enemies and various trapped levels.

By hacking into the oCloud you can hack Pi's prison cell door to let him out and then hack into Pi's implanted control chip.

Can you get Pi out safely with the right movement instructions, at the right time??


What impact is your project having? Describe how your product, service, or initiative is impacting people's lives.