
Detection and Attribution of Global Ocean Warming and Sea Level Rise

Oceans constitute the primary reservoir of anthropogenic (human-induced) heat accumulation in the climate system. The ocean heat content (heat storage in the ocean), serves as a key metric for tracking Earth's energy imbalance. Fluctuations in global oceanic heat content are vital indicators of this imbalance, influencing sea levels through thermal expansion. Ocean warming also drives polar ice melt (e.g. ice sheets, and glaciers), impacting global and regional sea levels. Therefore, comprehending these dynamics is imperative for accurate future projections and effective disaster and mitigation strategies. 

Marine Heatwaves (MHWs) and Compound Extreme Events

Ocean warming affects both deep waters and the ocean's surface. When sea surface temperatures rise 3-4°C above average for five days, it triggers a marine heatwave (MHW), causing havoc in marine ecosystems. MHWs lead to widespread coral and fish mortality, impacting various marine life forms. Marine heatwaves have the potential to amplify other extremes like tropical cyclones acting as a heat source and amplifying their intensity through warm ocean conditions.

Sea Surface Salinity: Nature's Rain Gauge to monitor global and regional hydrological cycle

Sea surface salinity (SSS) results from the interplay of evaporation and precipitation (excluding run-off). Excessive oceanic evaporation yields high SSS, whereas surplus precipitation leads to low SSS. Roughly 90% of evaporated ocean water returns as precipitation over oceans and 10% over continents. This moisture, contributing to land rainfall, originates from oceans, leaving its mark in SSS patterns. Hence, monitoring SSS is pivotal for tracing oceanic moisture sources and enhancing rainfall forecasting.

Southern Ocean, Watermass Transformation, Ocean Circulation, and Antarctic Sea Ice

The significance of the Southern Ocean in climate science is paramount. Its roles in absorbing heat and carbon, transforming water masses, and governing Antarctic sea ice are crucial for global climate regulation. By absorbing excessive heat and carbon dioxide, the Southern Ocean aids in mitigating climate change. Its watermass alterations drive ocean currents, impacting worldwide weather patterns. Moreover, its sea ice serves as a vital climate change indicator, influencing regional and global climate dynamics and sea levels.

Application of Artificial Intelligence in Climate Science

The application of AI in climate science is revolutionizing our understanding of phenomena like the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). AI-driven models analyze vast data sets related to ocean states and rainfall patterns, helping predict ENSO events and their impacts on global climate. By deciphering intricate relationships, AI aids in forecasting extreme weather events, enhancing our ability to mitigate their effects and adapt to changing climates, thereby advancing our knowledge and preparedness.

Ocean and Climate Modeling

Climate modelling is a crucial tool in climate science, aiding our understanding of Earth's complex climate system. Through intricate computer simulations, scientists predict future climate trends, evaluate the potential impacts of human activities, and formulate informed policies. These models integrate data on atmospheric conditions, ocean currents, and more. While imperfect, they offer valuable insights into climate change, empowering us to make informed decisions to mitigate its effects and safeguard our planet's future.