I am trying to use itext-2.0.8 along with core-renderer-R8 to create a PDF with an embedded font. I am trying to generate the PDF from valid XHTML and am embedding the font using the @font-face style tag. I have confirmed that the @font-face tag is including the font by opening the file in a browser. And I am always careful to keep the TTF fiel relative to teh XHTML/CSS doc.

In order to try and work my way through this I have created a small 'Hello World' type program to try and embed a font. I have taken two separate approaches and both of them fail to produce the desired result. I have place a copy of this little Eclipse program at

Saucer Bb Font Free Download

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The program produces a PDF in both instances but neither has the PDF embedded as expected. The first method using a file with setDocument produces no errors but also no fonts. And the second method produces a PDF but shows a java.net.MalformedURLException in the debug output.

I've experienced problems with Flying Saucer where it seemed the fonts were not embedded properly and it ended up being that the font I was trying to embed was corrupted or at least not complete. Attributes regarding the Font Family and description were missing. When I tried validating my font using the Validate File option in FontBook on OS X I was promptly presented with warnings saying:

However FlyingSaucer failed silently and just proceeded with embedding Times-Roman and Times-Bold as default fonts. When I tried using a font that passed the FontBook validation I found the font was embedded properly.

I spent hours trying to increase the verbosity in logging from FlyingSaucer to get more information and didn't discover this was the case until I stepped through the entire rendering process and just happened to note that FontFamily was set to "" in the debugger after loading the font and that it didn't include the name I expected it to be registered under.

Because of the second value format, the CSSParser broke causing the src attribute to be completely skipped silently. As a result in further processing the render did not know where to pick the fonts from. The issue got sorted once I removed the format part from the value.

About a year ago, I was messing with the idea of doing some design work on a sci-fi RPG and I penciled some ideas for space ships with hand lettering that would eventually turn into this font. I had originally intended to clean it up, but the sketchiness was so much more interesting, that I went with the rough look, guidelines included.

Thank you for looking this font. This is a chunky bold typeface, the geometric, tempered by softened edges and vibrant shapes. Perfect for any fun quirky design work! Introducing Hanson Bold Font! HANSON BOLD Is the latest font from Hanson Method. Works well for bold strong brand identities

Makro Font Family is a modified neo-grotesk gothic font crafted & designed by Tokotype. This series is distinguished by the excessively contrasting shapes and tones of the shapes on each opening joint and adjusted open counter.

Switzerlandia Font is a modern minimalist serif display font with smooth line and fits well in a variety of designs. This font also gives a luxurious and expensive impression, making it suitable for use in various types of designs,

Pink Floryn Font is an elegant serif font created by Rantautype with different alternative character designs. Pink Floryn is a beautiful choice for any creative endeavor, creating elegant, modern, chic, lifestyle designs such as logos, titles,

Roger Display Font is a bold and dynamic typeface reminiscent of traditional athletic lettering. Roger display come with more alternate and ligature to make it more option design. This fun font can be use for retro and modern design.

Most of Flying Saucer does not rely on advanced Java features. It should be usable on alternate Java implementations, such as GNU Classpath or Apache Harmony, but this hasn't been tested. You do need solid Java2D (including font) support.

XHTMLPanel has built-in support for scaling on-screen fonts, which means you can adjust the size of the displayed fonts, effectively overriding the CSS font-size properties. To scale, you must provide a font scaling factor, which is the % adjustment to apply to the font size. The default is a factor of 1.2, or 20% with each increment or decrement. You can specify an upper and lower boundary for the scaling as well.

To increment the font by the current scaling factor, call void incrementFontSize(); to decrement, call void decrementFontSize(). To reset to the CSS-specified font sizes, use void resetFontSize(). All of these will trigger a reload of the document; the current font scale will be applied automatically, however, when new documents are loaded. The Browser demo shows how you can associate this with a Action class so that the user can scale up or down to their liking.

That said, the default encoding is Latin-1; if your content is encoded differently, you may have problems where certain characters are not recognized and don't appear correctly in the output. You will need to specify a different encoding for a specific font, by registering the font with the ITextRenderer instance you're using before you call setDocument(). For example, to support Unicode/UTF-8, you'd need


* Set the appropriate configuration properties: xr.text.aa-fontsize-threshhold

* Get the Java2DTextRenderer or ITextTextRenderer reference from the XHTMLPanel's SharedContext property, then call setSmoothingThreshold().

We'll supply a kit containing webfonts that can be used within digital ads, such as banner ads. This kit may be shared with third parties who are working on your behalf to produce the ad creatives, however you are wholly responsible for it.

Webfonts can be used on a single domain. Agencies responsible for multiple websites, for example web design agencies or hosting providers, may not share a single webfont license across multiple websites.

Every time the webpage using the webfont kit is loaded (i.e, the webfont kit CSS which holds the @font-face rule is called) the counting system counts a single pageview for each webfont within the webfont kit.

An Electronic Doc license is based on the number of publications in which the font is used. Each issue counts as a separate publication. Regional or format variations don't count as separate publications.

Note: Classic engine works using the font-family-name from pd4fonts.properties file. Modern (Flying saucer) engine works using the font-family-name from the .ttf file with the same case.

A note on the code available from this site: All binary code bundles have been compiled using Java version 6 (a.k.a. 1.6). Flying Saucer Release 8 has been extended to include the changes described here and isreferred to as the Arial version. iText version 2.1.7 was used in this release. Arial Version of Flying Saucer

 This variant of Flying Saucer is named after the Arial Unicode MS font which was the reason for many of the enhancements to Flying Saucer. This font is incredibly useful if you are doing any work with multiple character sets as it reportedly implements the entire Unicode 2 character repertoire. What it does not have is premade bold and italic variations of the font. The Arial version of Flying Saucer will generate the appropriate PDF commands to emulate bold and italics when a style calls for it but no matching font can be found.

WARNING: Be advised that Arial Unicode MS is the copyrighted intellectual property of Microsoft Corporation. It comes bundled with Microsoft Office and portions of it must be embedded in any PDF files you generate with this font for it to display correctly if the computer viewing the PDF file does not have Arial Unicode MS. If you do embed the font in your PDF files, please seek the appropriate legal advice on your use of and, more importantly, your redistribution of any PDF documents generated with any font that has restrictions on its use. If you don't embed the font, you can avoid this problem altogether but the document will not display properly if the font is not installed on the target computer.

Features of this Release

 This is the Arial variation of Flying Saucer master branch, release 8. The following enhancements are included:  Added font emulation for bold and italics variations when there is no directsupport in the font files themselves. Fonts like Microsoft's Arial Unicode MSonly come in one version: plain text. In order to have bold, italics and bold+italicsthe font must be modified on-the-fly by the PDF displaysoftware.

When a XHTML style calls for a bold or italics variant of a font and if the currentlyselected font does not have built-in support for these variations, Flying Saucerwill now output the necessary PDF instructions to emulatethese effects.

 Added support in ITextRenderer for setting the PDF document properties author, keywords, subject and title and using metadata elements in the XHTML document's section. They are used like this: In the case of the PDF document title property, it will be automatically set using thecontents of the element in the section of the XHTML source document. However, a metadata title name/contentpair will override any element found in the head.

Examples: A title in the head section of the document  Metadata from an XHTML document is stored in the ITextOutputDeviceobject. All meta name/content pairs found in the of theXHTML document is extracted after a document is loaded (notjust author, keywords, subject and title) and can beaccessed and modified through the ITextOutputDevice methods (the metadata name isnot case sensitive, so title and TITLE are equivalent): public void addMetadata(String name, String value) public String getMetadataByName(String name) public ArrayList getMetadataListByName(String name) Added a new event to the PDFCreationListener interface called preWrite() thatis fired by ITextRenderer after the PDF content has been generated but immediately beforethe PDF file is written out. The preWrite() method is passed the number ofpages in the PDF file. This is the last opportunity to modify the metadata associated withthe ITextOutputDevice that will be set in the PDF file's basic properties. void preWrite(ITextRenderer iTextRenderer, int pageCount); Fix. There was a rendering problem when specifying a line-height property that issmaller than the maximum character height of a font. This is not unusual when using a fontwith broad Unicode support like Arial Unicode MS. It has a maximum characterheight that is much larger than most Latin-based character sets. The default verticalspacing for a font like this will leave more white space between the lines than youmay want. The solution is to use the line-height property.

When you used a line height that was smaller than a font's maximum glyph height, FlyingSaucer was generating phantom text that bled from the first line of a page onto the bottom of the pageimmediately preceeding it. While the phantom text was not visible in the PDF document, your cursor couldland on it and you could find it when running a search in Adobe Reader (it displayed as a bluerectangle where the text was hiding).

The solution used here is to disable the code in InlineBoxing.javathat centers lines of text vertically within the currently defined line height (search forany references to halfLeading in InlineBoxing.java). There maybe a more elegent solution but this works for the time being. If a line of text has extravertical space, that space will always follow below the text.

 Fix. Per the CSS specification for paged media,the Flying Saucer code has been changed so that the first page isa right page, which means that all odd page numbers are rightpages and all even page numbers are left pages.  Software Bundles

 The Flying Saucer code available here is the Arial branch of Flying Saucer Release 8, compiled with Java 6. If you just want to run the binary version, all you need to download is the first bundle. It contains iText version 2.1.7 for Java 6. e24fc04721

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