Sathesh Mariappan

Professor  - Advanced Combustion and Acoustics Lab, Aerospace Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India


I am an Professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India. Before joining the institute, I worked at the Department of Helicopters, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Goettingen as an Alexander von Humboldt post-doctoral researcher.

I also served as a visiting faculty/researcher/scientist at Brown University - USA, Keele University - UK, and Technical University - Germany.

I received my direct (from Bachelors) PhD from the Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India.

Our group works under four broad verticals. All of them are interrelated to aerospace research.

Our group does both experiments and numerical simulations. Therefore, my students appreciate their usefulness. It also allows the booming scientific machine-learning methods to seamlessly combine and complement the two.