Satellite Mega-Constellations: Communications and Networking

Satellite and Space Communications (SSC) - Special Interest Group (SIG)

Importance of the topic

There is rejuvenated interest in satellite communications and networking. Both the satellite and cellular (3GPP) industries aim at developing a seamlessly integrated one network with both terrestrial and satellite components. One main difference between the legacy satellite systems and the mega-constellations of the 6G era (next-generation) satellite system is the networking aspect. The next-generation satellite networks are expected to have very high-speed inter-satellite links. For efficient operation, the network will have to be autonomous, intelligent, resilient, self-organizing & self-controlling as much as possible to reduce the cost and risk of human intervention in such highly complicated settings. Distributed decision making, fault recovery, resilience, and scalability are among the important features of the envisioned satellite networks. These networks will rely on artificial intelligence (AI) techniques as much as possible, at all levels: Ground operations, on-board operations, as well as inter-satellite (FSO) and satellite-to-ground links (RF and/or FSO). In addition to networking, the scope of the SIG includes the communications aspects as well for AI-enabled channel prediction and optimized physical layer; grouping them in a single project is envisioned to provide synergy. High altitude platform station (HAPS) systems and HAPS constellations are also expected to play a significant role in the seamless integration of the mega-constellations with the terrestrial networks. Clearly, the satellite mega-constellations in the 6G era will create unprecedented opportunities once the unprecedented challenges are addressed by the research community.


Architecture / Structure / Management / Orbital Dynamics

  • Design and analysis of satellite mega-constellations

  • Integrated terrestrial-satellite networks

  • HAPS (high altitude platform station) systems and HAPS constellations

  • Standardization activities, 5G/6G coexistence

  • Mobility/handover/topology management and addressing in satellite networks

  • Routing in satellite networks

  • Ownership models and their impact on requirements and architecture

  • Innovative revenue maximization approaches

Networking / Applications / Operation / Integration / Control / AI

  • AI/ML for satellite networks

  • Novel use-cases including IoT and M2M applications

  • Enhanced localization and navigation

  • Edge computing and caching over satellite networks

  • Testbeds for satellite networks and experimental studies

  • OAM (operations, administration, maintenance) aspects in satellite networks

  • Simulation platforms for satellite networks

Communication / Security / Cryptography / Quantum Processing

  • Advanced physical layer technologies

  • FSO (free space optical) communications for satellite networks

  • Inter-satellite links (ISLs)

  • Cyber-attacks against satellites/constellations and countermeasures

  • Quantum key distribution (QKD) in satellite networks

  • Random access techniques for satellite networks

  • Dynamic spectrum and spectrum harmonization

  • Innovative interference management techniques, including massive-MIMO and RIS elements

  • Security, privacy and authentication in satellite networks

  • Physical layer security technologies

  • Cooperative communications and computing in satellite networks