
Can you imagine living in a world where water, the source of life, is not available to you? In reality, many people in this world are facing this problem. Nevertheless, I believe in both sides of a coin - if there is destruction on one side, rebirth on the other. My vision is to react and reflect upon a fast-disappearing natural world. My motto is to create the awareness of saving water through making recycled paper using 58% less water than making paper from virgin wood pulp. My works will show the path toward the need for environmental healing and revival.

This process attracts me to the process of searching, acquiring and recycling from nature. In my day-to-day life, I collect all thrown administrative papers, old newspapers, used bills and receipts, unused tea leaves, onion skins, dry leaves etc. My mission is to recycle those materials and give new birth. This process also grows the awareness of recycling through the direct communication between art and nature. I use turmeric, coffee, dry leaves and flowers to give the organic and natural flavour. The rough texture and uneven shape of the paper signify the current time. It has a sculptural effect on the thickness and the quality of 2-dimensional work. The works visually give the impression of abstract imaginary landscapes and climates. I believe this makes the bridge between nature and art.

Papermaking- I have used coffee and old tea leaves to give the organic and natural flavor

Used dry leaves and old tea leaves

Used dry leaves and old tea leaves

Turmeric and dry leaves

Turmeric and dry leaves

Papermaking – Made with Turmeric and dry leaves to give the organic and natural flavor


Recycled paper, Ink, coffee, oil pastel & charcoal | 21.08cm x 29.7cm

Recycling of old tea leaves, Making brush with recycled cotton thread, Onion Skins for natural dye.

Recycling from Dry leaves

Recycling from dry stems

Made natural and handmade brushes from the long dry leaves.

Made natural and handmade brushes from the long dry leaves.