Français III


Français IV

Tâche D'Été (2020)

You must do an on-going study/review of grammar (passé composé and imparfait) and vocabulary (prepositions and transitional phrases).

- The Google Classroom code to join is 5s3w2cn. You must join the class to have access to the content and the quizzes.

- Use the links posted in Google Classroom to study, the links are organized by topic under Grammaire and Vocabulaire. All links for study materials and the quizzes are posted in the Google Classroom. The quizzes are set up as assignments with deadlines throughout the summer.

- Then, complete 4 quizzes over the course of the summer.

- Two quizzes must be taken in June (1 grammar, 1 vocabulary).

- Two quizzes must be taken in July (1 grammar, 1 vocabulary).

- You must pass each quiz with a minimum of 80%. You can retake the quiz as many times as you want until you reach this score.

You DO NOT need to wait until the next deadline to submit the next test score. You can work ahead!

You WILL start French IV with a HUGE deficit if you fail to submit your quizzes. Lack of WI-FI IS NOT AN EXCUSE! Go to the library, McDonald’s Panera, etc. (but be safe… practice social distancing!)

Quiz due dates:

June 14, 2020

June 28, 2020

July 12, 2020

July 26, 2020

All quizzes must be submitted by midnight on the due date in the Google Classroom Quiz Assignment.

Links for grammar and vocabulary practice (also found in the Google Classroom)

Practice Links & Vocabulary Quizlets