A quote from legendary geometric analyst - Sergiu Klainerman [Princeton]

A man's mind grows narrow in a narrow place, whose mind is enlarged only because he has lived in a large place: but what is got by books and thinking is preserved in a narrow place as well as in a large place. A man cannot know modes of life as well in [Princeton] as in London; but he may study mathematics as well in [Princeton]."

Samuel Johnson 

Social Responsibility

In month of June, I spread headed a fund raiser raising an amount worth '1535" USD (~130000 INR) for Ms. Sparsh Bhojak - a teenage girl of same age as mine towards her treatment of Acute liver failure. My efforts were lauded by Scientists in India & abroad including Prof. Muna Naik at IISc Bengalure, Prof. Arun Pati (India's pioneering quantum scientist), Prof. Om Jee IIT, Prof. Krishnasamy Arasu - senior scientist at riverside research institute). Here is the LinkedIn post at my profile where I have uploaded details about this fundraiser.  

Teaching - Abstract Algebra & Fundamentals of Mathematics. 

While giving a gift of Two Books to each of 8 students of Tribal School in Maharashtra, I & parth purchased these books from our pocket money which we had saved in last 1 year. 

With the teachers of the same Tribal School where I am teaching them Euclidean Geometry

Discussing a problem of the triangle with these tribal students, June/2/2024.

I am currently doing teachings of - 

PS - I will upload my notes for most of my teaching gradually towards the end of October. I am currently typesetting them in LaTeX. 

Group Theory lectures at HNBG University - A public Univ in India


--Textbook - Gallian, Hungerford, and Dummit & Foote, 

--Problem sources - These textbook, Aluffi's Algebra, Andreescu's PUTNAM & BEYOND. 

--Frequency & duration of class - 3 class a week, one hour each 

-- Hand written class notes for all classes that have happened so far. 

Audience - UG students of HNBG university and this truly remarkable opportunities I got when I expressed my desire to teach this course and then my mentor Yaashaa Golovanov connected me to Dr. Abhishek Juyal - A number theorist and an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the same HNBG university. 

Assignment for Euclidean Geometry lectures at Tribal Public school

--Topic -Euclidean Geometry & Theory of Equations. 

--Textbooks - Angle Chasing By Titu Andreescu, XYZ press & Lecture notes in Mathematical Olympiad Courses, Junior Volume 1, World Scientific Publication. 

--Frequency & duration of class - 3 class a week, one hour each 

--Hand written class notes for all classes that have happened so far. 

Assignment for Algebra lectures at Tribal Public school

--Textbooks -  Lecture notes in Mathematical Olympiad Courses, Junior Volume 1, World Scientific Publication.  

Copyright @Sarthak & AMMOC.