
Working Papers

Moving to Opportunity, Together (with Seema Jayachandran, Lea Nassal, Matthew Notowidigdo, Marie Paul, and Elin Sundberg). Preliminary.

Across-Country Wage Compression in Multinationals (with Jonas Hjort and Xuan Li)
Conditionally accepted, American Economic Review

National Wage Setting (with Joe Hazell, Christina Patterson,  and Bledi Taska)
Revised and resubmitted, American Economic Review

Interpreting Signals in the Labor Market: Evidence from Medical Referrals
Revise and resubmit, Review of Economic Studies


How the other half works: Claudia Goldin's contributions to our understanding of women's labour market outcomes.
Scandinavian Journal of Economics. Vol. 126 (3), 2024.

Flexible Pay, Bargaining, and the Gender Gap (with Barbara Biasi)
Quarterly Journal of Economics. Vol 137 (1), 2022. [data/code] 

Estimating the Empirical Likelihood of Becoming a "Public Charge" (with Mitra Akhtari and John Coglianese)
NYU Journal of Legislation and Public Policy,  August 2021

Gender Differences in Recognition for Group Work (with Klarita Gërxhani, Ernesto Reuben, and Arthur Schram)
Journal of Political Economy. Vol 129, No. 1, 2021. [data/code]

Confidence Men? Evidence on Confidence and Gender Among Economists (with Guo Xu)
AEA Papers and Proceedings. Vol. 111, May 2021. 

Information, Confidence, and the Gender Gap in Bargaining (with Barbara Biasi)
AEA Papers and Proceedings. Vol. 111, May 2021

Recognition for Group Work: Gender Differences in Academia
AEA Papers and Proceedings. Vol. 107 (5), May 2027

Rainfall and Conflict: A Cautionary Tale. 

Journal of Development Economics. Vol 115, July 2015: 62-72. [data/code]

Selected Works in Progress

Transactional Preferences and the Minimum Wage (with Anna Becker, Attila Lindner, and Kristóf Madarász)

School Advising and Gender Differences in Major Choice

The rise of Punitive Criminal Justice Policy in the Wake of the Great Migration (with Ellora Derenoncourt, Benjamin Feigenberg, and Conrad Miller)