


o Courses taught or currently teaching

o 02/2019 – 2021, lecturer at Dep. Banking Finance and Accounting University of Warsaw.

o Accounting I

o Financial of Accounting II

o 04/2015- present, lecturer at University of Raparin, Kurdistan 

o Intermediate of Accounting

o Advance Accounting

o 09/2016- 07/2018, former lecturer at University of Cihan, Kurdistan 

o Principle of Accounting

o Intermediate of Accounting

o 09/2016 – 07/2017, former lecturer, University of Knowledge, Kurdistan 

o Accounting theory

o Cost Accounting

o 11/2017- 07/2017, former lecturer at University of Komar, Kurdistan 

o Forensic Accounting.

o 09/2017- 04/2018, former lecturer at University of Koya, Kurdistan 

o Advance Accounting.

o 09/2017- 05/2018, former lecture at Paitaxt Basic Institution

o Principe of Accounting

o Accounting for beginners

Certificates and Achievements