I am a final year PhD student at UT Austin, working with Prof. Mohit Tiwari. My research interest lies in Security, Computer Architecture, and Machine Learning.
I am a final year PhD student at UT Austin, working with Prof. Mohit Tiwari. My research interest lies in Security, Computer Architecture, and Machine Learning.
The main focus of my research is to design secure yet performant ML systems. Though these are contradictory paradigms, I am exploring how sw-hw co-design and domain-specific knowledge can improve performance of secure systems.
The main focus of my research is to design secure yet performant ML systems. Though these are contradictory paradigms, I am exploring how sw-hw co-design and domain-specific knowledge can improve performance of secure systems.
Latest News:
Latest News:
Looking for a AI security position in industry research labs. [#OpenToWork] Resume!
Will present Triton work in TECHCON 2024 (Session 26.5)
Check out our new work on state-space exploration of secure ML accelerators [Arxiv]
We propose several confidentiality and integrity violations in RAG models and demonstrated in Copilot for Microsoft 365. [Website] [Arxiv]
A fruitful internship at Intel Labs led to 3 new published patents.
An extended version of Spacelord is accepted in DTRAP journal.
Our work on software-defined threat model for multi-tenant ML accelerators got accepted at HASP 2023.
Our work on improving linux kernel auditing got accepted at USENIX Security 2023.