Notes and Notebooks

Course Notes

Here is a folder with scans of my handwritten notes from 18.218 - Prof. Lisa Sauermann's course on Algebraic Methods in Extremal Combinatorics in Spring 2022.

In Fall 2017, I was part of collaborative efforts to scribe notes for 18.118, a topics course about decoupling taught by Larry Guth, and 18.997, a course on graph theory and additive combinatorics taught by Yufei Zhao.

Some GoodNotes Notebooks that may be of Interest

Slides from a mostly expository talk on Incidence Estimates for Well Spaced Tubes

This talk was originally delivered at the UGA Discrete Analysis seminar.

Computations for volume formulas in incidence geometry work

  1. This notebook shows how to compute the intersection of three transverse slabs in R^3 in a special case

  2. This notebook shows how the intersection of the three slabs can be viewed as the image of a unit cube under a linear transformation (and thus gives an alternate way to compute its volume).

Some figures from my notebooks