Alora's Journal

Alora's Journal

October 27, 3181

To be honest I am not sure how to start this, so I guess I will start from the beginning. My name is Alora. I am part of an expedition/exploration team that travels the universe. The Captain hasn't really told us what our real mission is because we are still training. Anyways, after I misinterpreted a few things during the last mission Doc Liz suggested that I write in this thing. So here I am. Writing in this stupid journal. Apparently it is supposed to help me "connect" to my gift, but it seems to just be an annoyance so far.

October 28, 3181

Today my assignment is to explain more about my gift and my sisters. So I am a dreamer. Not in some optimistic way, more in a I kinda can see the future/past/present in my dreams. My younger sisters are all gifted too, which is why we are recruits for this expedition. Utarra is a guide. That means she she can create a map in her mind to almost anything, if she has a connection to it. Next is Artemis, the huntress. She has some amazing skills with a bow and arrow, but is always getting herself in trouble. Finally there is Eva. The all powerful life-giver. Although all she has given life back to so far is a couple of dead plants and maybe a fly or two.

October 29, 3181

Today was kinda weird. I had a dream about Artemis getting killed on a hunt but she hasn't left the ship since the last mission. I told Doc Liz but she said there is nothing to worry about. Probably just some anxieties manifesting.

October 30, 3181

Today we start another mission. Thank god, because I am sick of being on this ship. Artemis is supposed to go do some basic tracking on a small planet and observe the wildlife. When she gives us the all-clear we are going to do a few training exercises and exploring. It is pretty routine but I am excited to see a new planet.

October 31, 3181

It has been a full day since we have heard back from Artemis. Sometimes it can take a few hours, but a full day without a word? I am starting to get worried. My mind keeps going back to that dream I had. I told the Captain that something feels wrong, but he insists that everything is fine. He says that the terrain on this planet can be pretty steep and it is probably just taking Artemis a bit longer to find a good place for the beacon. In his words, "Artemis was accompanied by my finest men, she is in no danger at all." Yeah, right. I can't just sit here and wait for my sister to be munched on by some alien monster. It's time to talk to Utarra. I am sure she will be more than willing to do a bit of tracking, but convincing baby Eva to go with us is another story. She rarely breaks any rules and is too timid to try to heal anything other than bugs and plants. But if my dream is real, we may just need her healing abilities to save Artemis.

November 4, 3181

Well, it has been a few days since I have written. Doc Liz said I needed to write everything that happened to clear my mind. So I guess I will pick up where I left off.

So after about an hour of threatening and convincing, Eva agreed to go with us to the planet. It was easy enough to track Artemis with Utarra's gift, but the terrain was rough. Not to mention we were exploring in the dark. From what I could see the whole planet was made out of this weird living forest.The trees were huge, bigger than any I had ever seen. Everything was covered in this slimy blue-green moss than seemed to constantly be sliding around as if it were alive. Clearly the forest was heavily infested with all types of creatures, but most of them skittered off before we could catch a good glimpse. The worst part was the sounds. Every so often there was this awful screeching noise that echoed through the slimy branches. The odd thing was the closer we got to Artemis the louder the screeching was, but the closer to daylight the less frequent the screeches were.

After about an hour of searching we stumbled upon what seemed to be one of those men that the Captain had such confidence in. The man was wrapped in some weird greenish web. We tried to convince Eva to try to bring the poor man back but she seemed to be in shock. The further we got into the forest the more of the green web hung from the trees. About two hours from dawn Utarra said that Artemis was only about a mile away. I was ready to march right into the forest, guns blazing, but Utarra stopped me before I could run out of sight. She pointed out that whatever that screeching was must be nocturnal, since the closer to dawn the less the screams. As much as I wanted to save Artemis I knew we weren't the hunters, so if we were to get her back we would have to be smart about it. We decided to camp out a bit until it was full day-light and then we quickly and quietly found our way to Artemis. When we found her she was almost completely covered in that nasty web, and was barely breathing. Eva was the real surprise. As Utarra and I panicked to cut Artemis down from the web Eva was calm. As soon as Artemis fell from the green fibers, Eva walked to her and placed a hand on her chest. Before we knew it Artemis was coughing and breathing again. From there we made it back to the ship, and even the Captain seemed to be a bit impressed.

Author's Note

This writing is based of a story that originated in Congo titled How the Wives Restored their Husband to Life. In the original story there were three wives and each of the wives had a supernatural gift. The gifts were to dream, to guide, and to bring back to life. When the wives' husband was killed while hunting the dreamer dreamed of his death, the guide found a way to his body, and the life giver brought him back to life. In the end of the story the husband chose a most gifted wife, rather than appreciating them each. When I read this story I really wanted to change the husband to a woman and make them sisters in order to give them more solidarity. In the original story it seemed like a competition and the husband was the judge and I was hoping to make the story more about teamwork. In writing the story like a journal entry I was trying to really capture the characteristics of Alora in all of her teen angst. Also, I have been meaning to do a major setting change and thought it would be interesting to do a sci-fi take on such an old and classic story. Finally, I chose the names to specifically emphasize each girl's gift.


Notes on the Folklore of the Fjort, Richard Edward Dennett (1898). Link

Banner Image: The Ship, credit to Tombud at pixabay

The Dreamer: Credit to kellpics at pixabay