
2018: PhD in Economics, University of Copenhagen. Supervisors: Mette Gørtz and Paul Bingley

2017: Visiting Research Fellow, University of California, Santa Barbara

2014: M.Sc., Economics, University of Copenhagen

2011: B.Sc., Economics, University of Copenhagen

Work experience

2021 - : Postdoc, University of Copenhagen, Department of Economics, CEBI (maternity leave: 11 months)

2018 - 2022: Research Associate, UCL, Institute of Education

2015 - 2018: PhD student, University of Copenhagen, Department of Economics and VIVE (former SFI) 

2014 - 2015: Research assistant, SFI – The Danish National Centre for Social Research

2010 - 2014: Student research assistant, SFI – The Danish National Centre for Social Research

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