Writing & Research

Selected Academic Publications


Moore, S. E. & Lookadoo, K. L. (Accepted. Publication anticipated 2023). “Why can’t my students …? Solutions for Improving Written and Oral Communication Skills in a Post-Pandemic Classroom. Effective Methods of Teaching Business Education 2023. National Business Education Association. 

In Progress:

McCool, L., Lookadoo, K. L.,  Moore, S. E., Hemby-Grubb, V., and Wright, C.  (in analysis). Student perceptions and use of an AI writing assistant.   Presenting at the 2023 Association for Business Communication conference. 

Moore, S. E. & Lookadoo, K. L. Submitted to Business and Professional Communication Quarterly in January 2023. “Is Your Resume/Textbook Up-to-Date? A Textbook Audit of AI Resume Writing Instruction Trends.”  Presented at the 2022 Association for Business Communication conference. 

Moore, S. E. & Lookadoo, K. L. (Preparing for submission). A summative content analysis of LinkedIn profile instruction in textbooks. Presenting at the 2023 Association for Business Communication conference. 

Lookadoo, K. L. and Moore, S.E. (Preparing survey). A study of the impact on fairness perceptions when using Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) for interviewing.  Supported by the C.R. Anderson Grant from the Association of Business Communication

Moore, S. E. Defining diversity, a critical analysis of textbook content and undergraduate syllabi. (Preparing for submission). Presented at MLA Conference, 2022.


Michaelson, P. & S. E. Moore. “Women and Christianity, 1780-1820.” The Routledge Companion Romantic Women Writers. Routledge, 2022. 

Selected Academic Conference Presentations


McCool, L., Lookadoo, K. L.,  Moore, S. E., Hemby-Grubb, V., and Wright, C.  (in analysis). Student perceptions and use of an AI writing assistant.   Presenting at the 2023 Association for Business Communication conference in Denver.

Moore, S. E. & Lookadoo, K. L. (Preparing for submission, data analysis in progress). A summative content analysis of LinkedIn profile instruction in textbooks. Anticipated presentation at the 2023 Association for Business Communication conference in Denver.


Lookadoo, K. & S. E. Moore. “Is Your Resume/Textbook Up-to-Date? A Textbook Audit of AI Resume Writing Instruction Trends.” Scholarship of Teaching and Learning track at the Association for Business Communication conference, October 2022.  

Moore, S. E. “Professionalism & Plagiarism: What Business Writing Books Say about Cheating.” South Central Modern Language Association, October 2022. 

Moore, S. E., panel participant. “Low and Zero-cost Materials for Business Communication Courses: Benefits and Implementation Strategies.” Association for Business Communication, October 2022.  

Moore, S. E. “Diversity and Inclusion: An Audit of Business Communication Instruction, Pedagogy, Textbooks, and Practices.” Modern Language Association, January 2022. 


Moore, S. E., panel participant. “We’ve Been Grouped: Leveraging Technology Across a New Collaborative World.” Association for Business Communication, October 2021. 

 Moore, S. E. “Current Writing Objectives Across Undergraduate Business Communication Courses.” South Central Modern Language Association, October 2021. 


Moore, S. E. & V. McCrady. “Cheating and Business School: What’s Happening and How Can Instructors Improve?” Association for Business Communication, October 2019.  

Moore, S. E. “Fiction in the Business School: An Example of the Interdisciplinary Use of Literature.” South Central Modern Language Association, October 2019.   

Moore, S. E. “‘I Prefer Not To’: Using Short Fiction in a Business Communication Classroom.” Modern Language Association, January 2019. 

2018 & Earlier

Moore, S. E. “‘I’ve Got Some Bad News’: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching Bad News Delivery Using SPIKES.” South Central Modern Language Association, October 2018.  

Moore, S. E. & V. McCrady. “My Cheatin’ Resume: Student Perceptions of Plagiarism and Cultural Difference.” Association for Business Communication, October 2018.  

Moore, S. E. “The Language of LinkedIn: Helping Students over the Gender Gap.” Modern Language Association, January 2018. 

Moore, S. E. & V. McCrady. “Top Schools, Different Tactics: A Comparison of Business Communication Assignments.” Association for Business Communication, October 2017.  

Moore, S. E. “Aurora The Apostle: Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Religious Controversy.” South Central Modern Language Association, November 2016  

Moore, S. E.  “The Good Girl in Conflict: The Early Religious Novels of Elizabeth Missing Sewell.” The Victorian Interdisciplinary Association of the Western United States, September 2016  

Moore, S. E. “Working Girls: Nineteenth-Century Treatments of Gender and Street Labour.” Texas Center for Working-Class Studies Conference, March 2016  

Moore, S. E. “Anti-Feminist Monsters and Women’s Nineteenth-Century Popular Religious Novels.” Minding the Field: Women’s and Gender Studies in North Texas, October 2015  

Moore, S. E. “Little Girls of the Street: Transatlantic Depictions of Nineteenth-Century Prostitution.” Critical Voices Conference at University of North Texas, March 2015