Little Deerlings is an outdoor social/educational childcare program, an incredible opportunity for your child to experience nature, learn, and make new friends! We will be adventuring as a group on some of the most beautiful trails that Vancouver has to offer! The program will be for ages 3-5 years old.

The deadline for registration is the Sunday before the program is scheduled to start.

The program cost is $300/child

When is it?

The program will be three weeks in length starting in late June 2022 and continuing through the summer. Classes will be every Monday and Wednesday starting at 8:30 am to 1:00 pm

Where is it?

We will meet for drop off/pick-up at either Spanish Banks central parking lot, or the East parking lot at Jericho Beach. Parents will be responsible for transportation to and from the designated drop-off/pick-up spot. The schedule will be given with registration email.


For early registration please send me an email saying you would like to register for Junior Pathfinders. This will be a first-come-first-serve program and with very limited space so there's no time to lose! I can't wait to meet everyone!



"Working with Sarah was a privilege. She has all the qualities necessary to manage a group of children. Her enthusiasm is contagious. The children looked forward to their time with her. I fondly reflect on the six months we worked together. Her warm and caring personality is a delight to witness. Sarah takes the initiative to ensure the children have a great time, planning fun, safe activities."

-Beth, former co-worker

"Sarah brings serious fun wherever she goes! She is so passionate about children and she truly comes alive when caring for them. She always has fun new activities to try out with the kids and often spends her spare time finding activities to keep children engaged in learning and having a blast. We have spent many days with her outside and the beach and in the forest and an adventure is always to be had. She is also extremely responsible, reliable and puts children’s safety at the highest priority. I trust her with my children as if she were family. She also excels at supporting children through emotional struggles in an extremely gentle and caring manner. She keeps throughly engaged with the children and supports them through their big emotions and when they have ebbed she takes time to reconnect and teach the little ones how to deal with their emotions when they come up. I would highly recommend your children spend as much time with Sarah as possible. She is an amazing, caring, fun, and engaging human who is truly dedicated and passionate about children."

Natasha, former employeer