A colorful digital drawing of a small blue crying blob representing the psyche of the artist.

Nascent Self 2024

A black and white digital photograph of the artist wearing a black shirt and a longer haircut than in the previous selfie.

Shadow (Selfie) 2024

A digital photograph of the artist wearing a pink shirt and a haircut that is close to being shaven.

Sociopath (Selfie) 2018

Digital painting of a small black mound against an expansive white background.

Small Mound 2017

Highly stylized and fanciful digital painting of a smoking, ruinous landscape in grays, browns, and pinks.

Doomed Wasteland 2014

Highly stylized digital painting representing a view toward the light at the end of a tunnel.

Tunnel 2014

Highly stylized and fanciful digital painting of a cavern in black and white.

Misty Cavern 2011

Highly stylized and fanciful digital painting in black, blue and pink representing a watery cavernous interior.

Shimmering Grotto 2011-15

Highly stylized and fanciful digital painting in green and red representing a cavern with features reminiscent of uvulas.

Uvula Cave 2011

Highly stylized and fanciful digital painting in black and white representing the entrance to a cave.

Cave Mouth 2011