Gender/Sex Diversity Materials

Check out my website, Beyond a Binary: Cultivating a Gender-Expansive Classroom.

The website includes a glossary, information about pronouns, and various resources including materials from presentations.

As instructors, we play a critical role in fostering learning environments where all students feel welcome with their rich and complex identities. Gender is one aspect of identity that is getting increasing attention; specifically, the conversation is widening to acknowledge a broad range of genders. However, attention does not necessarily translate into inclusive classrooms. A recent campus survey at a Big 10 university found that trans/non-binary students feel lower campus belongingness compared to students overall (33% vs. 69%; Campus Climate Survey Task Force, 2017). Many courses—including Psychology courses—inadvertently pose barriers to engagement and learning for many students because of the way gender is handled. These barriers impact students regardless of their gender, but are particularly harmful for trans/non-binary students. In an effort to reduce these barriers, my website has materials that discuss contemporary gender terms and research and provide concrete techniques for instructors to intentionally cultivate gender-inclusive classrooms.