Rites Text


PL - Rite of Strength: Hunting, Pack Patron, Farmer Time

PB - Rite of Grace: Tag!, Babysitting, So Fancy

LK - Rite of Legend: Paying Homage, Capture the Flag, Spirit Round-UP

KS - Rite of Research: Wrestling, Mentorship, Cryptic Creatures

WT - Rite of Wanderlust: Triangulation, Portaging, Maze Runner

TB - Rite of Prosperity: Street Racing, Treibball, Supply Hauler


Hi there! You must list the trait and the class for the Rite of Merit. Please resubmit to corrections with all of the required information. Thank you!

Hi there! A link to your previous submission where corrections were asked for is required. Please resubmit to corrections with all of the required information. Thank you!

Hi there! The trait and class you have listed for the RoM do not go together. Please resubmit to corrections with either the class or trait changed to fit what you're going for for your tokota. Thank you!

Hi there! The trait and class you have listed for the RoM does not fit the linked rite. Please double check your info and resubmit to corrections. Thank you!


Hi there! Corrections were asked for on your previous submission of this tokota. Please resubmit to corrections as requested. Remember a link to your previous submissions is required. Thank you!

Hi there! You have FACTION listed for your faction, but are currently shown as FACTION on Tokotna.com. Please resubmit to corrections after you've changed your faction officially or list your current faction. Thank you!


Hi there! Art and literature should be submitted to DeviantArt, either in a gallery or scraps. Sta.sh may be used as a last resort. If there's some sort of technical difficulty or you're having trouble contacting the artist please let me know and we'll get these taken care of for you. c: Please feel free to tag me at SapphireSquire. Otherwise please resubmit to corrections when the rites have been submitted to a gallery or scraps. Thank you!


Hi there! The updated names for the merit traits should now be used. Please make sure you're listing the correct trait you would like your tokota to earn and resubmit to corrections. Thank you!


Hi there! A link to your tokota's import on Tokotna.com is required. Please resubmit to corrections with all of the required information. Thank you!


Hi there! Please list the livestock animal for the Rite of Merit in the Prey/Livestock section of the form and resubmit to corrections. Thank you!


Hi there! Some sort of climbing equipment - a rope or harness for example - is required for this Rite of Merit. Please resubmit to corrections when edits have been made. Thank you!

Hi there! The linked Rite of RITE has already been submitted as a Rite of RITE; all tokotas participating in the rite must be completing the same prompt. Please double check your links and resubmit to corrections. Thank you!


Hi there! Completing only two Rites of Fertility requires the Penguin Totem; please make sure to list any totems you are using in the Traits/Companions/Items/Totems section of the form and resubmit to corrections. Thank you!


Hi there! It seems there is no ITEM in your bank. Please resubmit to corrections when the item has been obtained or with it removed from your bonuses. Thank you!


Hi there! TOKOTA has already earned their AoA on DATE. If you would like to redo the rites to earn a different merit trait you will need to get them to dominant or alpha first and submit to the re-do thread. Thank you!

Hi there! A tokota with Inspirational and/or the Lucky Jackalope companion cannot give those bonuses to itself (the same way Superstar works). Please double check your bonuses and resubmit to corrections. Thank you!

Hi there! The word count for the Rite of RITE does not meet the minimum of 1200 words. Please resubmit to corrections when edits have been made.

Hi there! Multi-image rites must have the prompts clearly labeled in the submission description. (Ex. Left = Rite of Merit, Center = Rite of Fortitude, Right = Rite of Alliance). Please resubmit to corrections with all of the required information. Thank you!

Hi there! Multi-image rites must have the prompts clearly labeled in the submission description. (Ex. Left = Rite of Merit, Center = Rite of Fortitude, Right = Rite of Alliance); the prompts themselves are currently listed, but there is no indication of which prompt is depicted in which panel. Please resubmit to corrections with all of the required information. Thank you!


Hi there! ANIMAL is not an acceptable prey animal for this Rite of Merit. You may use any Tokotas prey, regardless of the season, including Tribe Hunting prey. For a full list, see the hunting price list. Please resubmit to corrections when edits have been made. Thank you!

Hi there! ANIMAL is not an acceptable livestock animal for this rite of merit; you may choose from: sheep, cow, pig, chicken, penguin, horse, llama, or alpaca. Please resubmit to corrections when edits have been made. Thank you!

Hi there! A link to your Bonuses and Monthly Limits page on Tokotna.com is required. Please double check your links and resubmit to  corrections. Thank you!


Hi there! You have FACTION listed for your faction, but are currently shown as not having a faction set on Tokotna.com. Please resubmit to corrections after you've registered your faction officially. Thank you!


Hi there! Any items you with to apply must be listed in the Traits/Companions/Items/Totems section of the form; you can also list them under the rites bonus, but the designated space on the form is required. Please double check your form and resubmit to corrections. Thank you! 

NAME has passed their Rites of Fertility with an Excellent score

You have earned 1 Faction Point!

Be sure to Redeem your own Faction Points!

You have earned 1 Tribe Point!

Be sure to Redeem your own Tribe Points!



NAME has passed their Rites of Fertility with an Excellent score

You have earned 1 Tribe Point!

Be sure to Redeem your own Tribe Points!



NAME has passed their Rites of Fertility with an Average score

You have earned 1 Tribe Point!

Be sure to Redeem your own Tribe Points!



Sterile tokotas may complete their rite of merit

Infertile tokotas may complete the full set