Your mileage may vary, but I always used to find this useful for simple measurements without needing to draw rulers. I'd use the "Set Reference Point" command leSetRefPoint() which I had on a bind key. I'd then start an edit (e.g. move, copy etc), click on the object I wanted to move or copy (I'd probably have infix on anyway so it would have picked that up, or I'd have selected it already and then the reference point would have been set by default) - then move to the edge I wanted to measure from to control the delta for the move, hit my bind key (see where the reference point was) and then move by the distance I want (using the dx, dy in the toolbar) and then click.

Even without this, when you're prompted to pick the reference point for a move or a copy (say when not using infix - infix is in the Options->User Preferences form), this display option allows you to see where it is.

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I am writing some prolog command infix(Inf,List) to check if one list is, as our prof formulated, "an infix" of another list. The order matters+ it shouldn't be right at the beginning or the end of the List.

It is time to say something about another peculiarity of lispishlanguage, the prefix syntax. In Scheme you do not write 1+1as you have learned to write from elementary school. Instead, youwrite (+ 1 1). The sum operator + is written at thebeginning,as a prefix, and not in the middle, as an infix. I never had anytrouble with infix syntax (I had trouble with parens instead)since it is something perfectly consistent: in Pythonthe function name is written before the arguments too.

Actually, when you write 1+1 in Python, you should think ofit like a shortcut syntax for the full prefix syntaxint.__add__(1,1), therefore the prefix syntax should not comeas a surprise to a Pythonista.I was disturbed by the fact that there is no standard libraryfunctionality in Scheme to simplify the writing of mathematicalformulas. I would have welcomed a standard macro able to convertinfix syntax to prefix syntax in mathematical formulas, somethinglike

Such a macro is standard in Common Lisp, but not in Scheme. Apartfrom forcing the students to write a parser to convert infix syntax toprefix syntax, I do not see the advantages of such a choice. This ishowever indicative of the difference between Python and Scheme: Pythontries hard to make common tasks easy by providing a large library (thefamous batteries included concept), whereas Scheme does not care.

If you will be able to pass the initiation test you will seethat s-expressions (which are usually but not necessarilyassociated to parentheses) make sense. Once understood,the traditional (infix) notation becomes an obstacle more thana help. Moreover the total uniformity of Scheme programs hasa kind of beauty and elegance in itself. No useless syntax,no boilerplate code, you breath an air of Zen minimalism.

in indonesian, there are infixes, that are placed somewhere between phonemes of a word. though, seems, as i see from wikipedia, they are used only for creating new lexems. example: "gigi" is "tooth", add "er" infix and you get "gerigi", which is "toothed blade". that can be shown like (gigi er-infix).

in arabic, morheme applied to pair of morphemes maybe put between them, like an infix: "kitabukum" means "your book" (nominative/subjective), "kitabikum" means "of your book". the -u- and -i- morhemes, for nominative and genitive, are put between morphemes for "book" and "your". be457b7860

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