Sanvers Big Bang 2021 ran from June 13 to December 24, with June 13 to October 31 being the writing and art period and November 1 to December 24 being the posting period.


  • Sign up before June 13

  • writers: write a new, or finish an as of yet unposted, story with at least 20k words
    artists: create art of any kind (drawing, video, moodboard etc.) for the story you got assigned to
    beta readers: support the writer, proofreading etc.

  • Initial info thread:

Detailed timeline

  • June 12: Sign-up form closed

  • June 27: Form for writers to send in their story idea closed (including potential trigger warnings) and option to request a beta reader

  • July 4: Forms for artists and beta readers to choose their top 5 stories closed (included an option to select fanfics they didn't want to be matched with)

  • July 7: Matches got sent out

  • July 14: First check-in with participants

  • July 18: Deadline for writers to send their matches a general outline of their story (roughly 5k words or 4 scenes)

  • October 17: initial deadline for all works

  • October 31: extended deadline after consultation of participants

  • November 1: first story and art revealed

  • December 24: last story and art revealed

You want to (re-)read all the amazing stories and look at the accompanying artwork? Check out the ao3 collection!