Accelerated Materials Discovery


I have recently joined as a research scientist at the Toyota Research Institute (TRI), and I work at its head quarters located in Los Altos, CA. Previously, I worked as a research staff in the high-throughput experimentation group of Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP) at Caltech.

My research interests are in accelerated discovery of materials (specifically, energy materials) via:

  • Machine learning approaches.
  • High-throughput materials synthesis, characterization, and screening.
  • Integrating high-throughput theory and experiment.

To learn more about my research please visit the research page.

To view TRI's research page, click here. To view JCAP's webpage, please click here.

I am also a member of the computational sustainability network. As a part of this collaboration, I explore application of novel computer science algorithms to solve materials science problems such as rapid identification of phase diagrams. To view the webpage of computational sustainability network, please click here.

For full CV please contact me.