Take a 360º Picture

Have you got Gyroscope?

You can check if you have a device that could use Street View, first in your device hardware specifications or installing an App:

Preparing the material

  1. First you have to download (best with WiFi) the Google App Street view for both Android - IOS:
  2. Then prepare some numbers, pointers, etc. You can use this template if wanted/needed.

3.Select a place where you can watch some of the topics you will give information about.

4. Prepare with students some information about the topics chosen: places, culture, ... (Example)

Example document for the Virtual Way of Saint James

5. Important Tip: Charge the battery of the smartphone, before going to the place.

At the place selected

  1. Go to the place and add the pointers. This can be done sticking them in a wall, or any object or hold by the Students. Tip: If the Students hold them is easily and they can cover their faces (About pictures) with the number, as shown in the next image:

2. Turn on the GPS of your Mobile phone.

3. Go to the Google App "Street View" and tap on "+" to create a new picture.

    • If you have a 360º camera, please link with your phone ("Import from external 360º Camera").
    • If you have no 360º camera start taking pictures all around (shown below "Cámara")

4. If asked, tap on "yes" to add Location information to the picture.

5. Now start shoting. If you hav no external 360º camera, you will do the following pictures

    • The app show orange dots. You have to point to them to take the 360 picture.
    • Move slowly all around with your smartphone (needs gyroscope)
    • The progress bar is with an orange tick ( ) complete the full sphere and it will show full (3rd picture)

Tip: Be calm to shot: It is better to take what you want and do not to run for a better result.

6. Once shoted it takes a while to fix the 360º image with the pictures collected. It will appear this "man" working:

7. Once he finishes, you will receive a message and then you have the 360º picture.

Some Tips:

  • Please do not take faces or car plates in your picture. Without 360º camera work best, because you can choose when to shot (when there is nobody). If taken you have to blur them. (Check this)
  • A tripod helps but it is not esential
  • Shot with the Smartphone vertical
  • Try to shot complete horizontal circles if possible and then tilt up/down for gathering all orange dots.
  • If your first picture is not good, do not worry. It need a bit of practice. The next chance will be better!